

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何写小升初推荐信]尊敬的老师: 您好! 首先衷心感谢您能在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,为我开启一扇希望之门!我叫***,今年11岁,是*****************************六年级四班的学生。时光飞逝,一转眼我已度...+阅读

RecommendationDear sir|madam I have served as school principal for many years,and hardly recommended students during the last few years。But this student is hard-working and quick-witted,what's more,he can cooperate with his teachers very well to finish his work in the classroom。In addition,he is interested in law,and as a bachelor he did it very well ,earning all his teachers'Appreciation。During the the four years,he has won scholarships and other honours many times。Above all,he is the person with absolutely good characters,so I think he has the ability absolutely to go to your university for the master of laws,so I strongly recommend this student to your school|university。 XXX school XX 2010年月日 呵呵抱歉 没有具体的学校名,所以中间有些东西你还要自己改一改呵呵做个参考吧,如果认为有问题请留言,共同解决。呵呵希望有所帮助 给点详细资料我给你写吧



小学生推荐信怎么写 200字尊敬(敬爱)的学校领导,你好!首先衷心感谢您能在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的小学copy生开启一扇希望之门。我叫***,就读于***小学,是一名即将迈出小学校门跨入中学旅途...

小学推荐信怎么写申请书 我叫某某(好好的介绍一下自己的名字和来历)今天竞选某某职位,每个人都有第一步,我认为这就是我的第一步,竞选某某职位是为了对大家负责什么什么,我认为我自己足够有能力来...

小学五年级作文推荐信范文500字推荐信 尊敬的老师,敬爱的同学们: 在这金色的九月,在这满载收获的季节,我——一个典型的白羊座的小女生迎来了人生当中一个非常重要的转折点。伴随着从紫色的校服变成蓝色的校服...

英文申请推荐信的范文急!To Whom It May Concern: This letter is my personal recommendation for Cathy Douglas. Until just recently, I have been Cathy's immediate supervisor for several y...

推荐信用英文写大家帮帮忙。。以下是内容的翻译: Professor Ding Juan to recommend to the Nanjing University Graduate School of your school to study, she achieved outstanding results, study har...
