
Unit4 it’s warm today 1

09月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[牛津小学英语5AUnit4教学反思]本单元主要介绍自己以及他人的兴趣爱好。这一话题与学生的日常生活密切相关。教师可以结合学生的实际情况来讨论对话。本单元的重点句型是I/We like doing He/ She likes do...+阅读

一、教材解说:教学内容: let’s learn let’s play



课前准备:卡片 冰水,热水,杯子,瓶子,课件

二、设计理念:通过课前热身对chant it 、do it 的复习,从和大家随意的交流引入课题关于冷热的感受从而学习表示天气感受的单词,在初步学完新单词后运用认读比赛、看字母或口型猜单词、听季节说单词等游戏进行巩固复习,并引入句型it’s …in…,由加季节过度到对地方气候的描述,接着通过看地图与标志来描述并将它们串联起来自由编chant,既娱乐富有挑战又巩固了句型,最后将所学知识上升到实际运用,因此示范让学生们来充当一个weather reportor,运用上所学的句型与单词,并自由发挥,将知识与生活常识结合,既培养学生运用语言的能力,也有他们自由发挥展示语感的发挥空间。

三、教学目标: 能听、说、认、读hot cold warm cool weather

能听懂、会说句子it’s …. In…..


hello, everyone. hello, what’s your name? How are you? How old are you? What colour /fruit/ food/ drink do you like best? My family name is huang. You can call me miss huang. Good morning boys and girls. Well now let’s begin our class. Class begins.

一、warm up

1、 chant together:

my shirt is red. My jacket is blue.

My dress is old. My sweater is new.

My socks are white. My shoes are too.

My pants are old. My shorts are new.

2、 free talk:

I’m wearing a dust coat. What about you?

3、 let’s do

time for breakfast drink some milk

time for lunch he some chicken

time for dinner eat some rice

time for p.e. jump and run

time for English read and write

time for music sing and dance


1、 are you tired ? oh yes, I’m a little tired. and I’m thirsty. Can I drink some water?

Oh ,my dear, it’s too hot. Touch it , is it hot?

Read together hot spell read<<<123>>>


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