

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


How does a pany start selling a new product?

Do you often carry out market research?

What's the object of market research?

One of the purposes of market research is to find out whether there's a market for the product.

Sometimes the panies do their own market research, and sometimes they employ specialists to do it.

In the early stage, the regional managers do the research.

A salesman must he a good understanding of the applications, design features, special advantages and almost everything of the product the pany produces.

Salesmen he to attend refresher courses frequently.

Market research and marketing research should be seen as two different functions. Market research is actually an analyses of specific market for a particular product.

But marketing research is the study of all processers involved in getting goods from the producer to customers.

We forecast that the market for this kind of product will decline rapidly over the next several years.

Marketing research is broader and involves more functions of sales.

The preliminary market test is due to start next month.

Let's look at the original plan and see where we've got to.

Our sales reaches the target and the customers' reacton was good.

They he no problems with production during the test market phase.

Apart from advertising and promotion campaign, we're going to hold national and local press conference.

We he to run the market test for two months.

Everyone knows that there've been some major changes in our market over the last five years.


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