

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[同义词转换]解决: solve resolve deal with cope with handle tackle消除: get rid of eradicate eliminate依赖: rely on depend on count on十分:very much immensely hugely largely...+阅读

Advantage: benefit, positive aspect, strength, 好处

Disadvantage: weakness, drawback, negative aspect, fault不利

Casual: arbitrary, unplanned, unexpected, 随意的

Effective: efficient, effectual, fruitful, productive, valid多效的

Criticize: reproach, blame, 批评

Flaw: weakness, defect 缺点

Ability; capability, power, caliber能力

Dishonest: deceptive 不诚实的

Fair: equitable, equal, impartial, 公平的

Success: achievement, feat 成功

Reason: factor, con

tributor, origin, 原因

Result: oute, consequence, implication结果

Result from: arise from, originate from, be due to, thanks to, 由于,因为

Give rise to: contribute to, lead to, result in, cause, breed, create, incur导致

Disaster: catastrophe 灾难

Pollute: contaminate 污染

Poisonous: toxic 有毒的

Decrease; fall, drop, plunge, decline, step back, downward, minimize, abate下降

Increase: rise, go up, surge, grow, 上升

Growing: increasing, rising, 上升的
