

04月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中英语完形填空专练 16题提问]①:形容词 a. -----hard 1.硬的,坚固的 The ice is as hard as rock. 冰像石头一样硬。 2.困难的,费力的[+to-v] George is hard to get along with. 乔治很难相处。 3.猛力的;...+阅读

1.一个单词由5个字母组成,除去2就只剩1了,你知道是什么单词吗? three LZ你对于第一题进了个误区,你应该是误把one当作代词,这里one并不是指代前面的letter 2.为什么说一间全是已婚人士的屋子是空的? Because there is no single man. single man 是双语,首先指单身,另外single指单个的,单独的,因此single man 也可以理解为“一个人” 3.有一天的前天的前一天就是星期六的三天后,这是哪一天? 倒推,星期六的三天后就是星期二,星期二的后天就是星期四,星期四的后一天就是星期五 friday 4.医生给你3片药,让你每半个小时吃一片,多少分钟后药吃完? 从你吃第一片开始算,还剩两片,30分钟后吃第二片还剩一片,再过30分钟后吃最后一片就吃完了所以30+30=60 sixty minutes


What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, can tell you something, make you wake up but does not talk? 对于这类文字题,我应该抓住题干中的一些关键信息词展开想象、推理,寻找突破口。根据本题的前部分很难猜出,但如果我抓住make you wake up这一关键信息,就想到了:A clock。 From what number can you take half and leave nothing? 如果按正常思维肯定是解不出,leave nothing不就是0吗?8拦腰去一半不正好是0吗?


What would you say if you saw a ghost? Answer:I would say nothing and rv un as fast as possible.What person does every man take his hat off to? Answer:A barberWhat can a whole apple do that half an apple can't? Answer:Look roundComplete the following sequences:

(1)815 835 905 945 1035 ( 1095 )

(2)X-V-R-L-( D )...


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这是一道初中英语奥赛题请大家帮忙解答谢谢紫色:当且仅当红色蘑菇有毒的时候才有毒 黄色:一年中有6个月是有毒的 绿色:当且仅当紫色蘑菇有毒时才可以放心食用 红色:一年中有6个月是安全的 仅凭以上的条件,我请教了不少教育...

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50题初中英语词性转换The machine is very _________( use). I don't know where the ________is.(enter). The window was_______(open). I feel like _____________ basketball and football.(...


8道初中英语复习语法题( )You are a _______friend. D.welcoming( )They can't _______the town tonight. C.arrive in )I _______someone calling for help last night.A.heard ( )We must fight...

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