

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语中关于穿着的回答]what sort of clothes you like best on daily life?Casual clothes is my forite not only for its free style but the fortable wearing as well as in convenience of...+阅读

关系词,即体现句子之间关系的词或词组。也有不少人称之为信号词,或者是连接词。不管在雅思听说读写四门中的任何一门都需要用到这类词,以使得句子更加流畅,句意更加明晰。分析认为,关系词可非分两大类:1. 同向关系词同向关系词,即用上此类词或词组,句子内部或句子间的方向没有发生改变,只是根据前面的句意进一步延伸和细化。将其归纳为:举例关系词:for example, for instance, e.g., such as, like, take sth. for example类比关系词:like, alike, similar, same, as选择,并列和递进关系词:or, either…or, and, as well, also, besides, apart from, in addition, what's more, furthermore, moreover (分号;)因果关系词:表示由引起的,后接原因的词或词组:because,because of,as a result of, as a consequence of, due to, result from, be attributed to, be contributed to, arise from, owing to, thanks to, in that表示导致,后接结果的词或者词组:so, therefore, thus, as a result, as a consequence, lead to, result in, attribute to, contribute to, give rise to, bring about, generate总结关系词:in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up, in sum, all in all, in brief2. 逆向关系词:逆向关系词,即用上此类词或词组,句子内部或句子间的方向发生改变,前后句子意思形成相反关系。

总结发现,这类词包含:否定关系词:not, none, no, never, non-, dis-, un-, in-, im-, -less, few, little, hardly, barely, seldom, neither…nor转折和让步关系词:but, however, yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, in fact, actually, despite, in spite of, although, even though, though对比关系词:unlike,by contrast, in contrast, on the contrary, conversely(注:以上各类关系词中所举的例子仅仅只是常见的一部分)二、关系词在雅思听力中的使用在雅思听力考试中,不管是在审题还是在听题过程中,我们都需要利用到关系词,以协助判断答案的形式及正确程度。下面我们通过真题来见证关系词的重要作用:真题重现:并列关系词: Cambridge 4 Test 1 Section 1Visit places which have:historical interestgood 1 …………………………….2 ………………………………本题中,虽然没有明显的并列关系词,但是有很明显的并列格式。

在看题的时候,我们只要注意到第1题与上行的historical interest是并列关系,中间一般会有并列关系词 and, as well, also, besides之类的词汇出现;而第2题与第1题也是一样的情况。那么,在听题的时候,我们排除干扰,撇开因果,修饰之类的成分,在historical interest出现之处,认真听并列关系的内容就可以很轻易地抓到答案了。举例关系词: Cambridge 4 Test 1 Section 211 Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as ………………… and …………………. .本题中出现了举例关系词 such as, 那么,在读题的时候,我们心中就会有数了,不但知道这边会出现像like, for example之类的举例关系词,而且还知道所填的两个单词的类别属于 fuels —— 燃料。此时,只要我们的词汇过关,知道燃料类的无非有coal, charcoal, wood, firewood, gases, petrol 等之类的词汇,答案也就不难把握住了。

类比关系词:Cambridge 4 test 4 section 436 Other places that have taken up shark meshing includeA South Africa B New Zealand C Tahiti本题是选择题,除了平时做填空题可以利用的关键词,考点词之外,还可以利用排除法。录音中出现这三个选项的地方很集中:'The New Zealand authorities also looked at it, but considered meshing uneconomical —— as did Tahiti in the Pacific. At around the same time, South Africa introduced meshing to some of its most popular swimming beaches.'在听到这句录音的时候,听懂的同学就不用多作解释了,因为会知道New Zealand 和Tahiti这两个地方虽然有关注meshing,但是都觉得不靠谱,很不实惠,所以,不可能是题目中所需要的take up meshing。就算不能完全听明白,大家也不难发现B和C两个选项是在同一个句子中出现的,并且中间有个类比关系词as,那也就是说New Zealand 和 Tahiti这两个地方所做的事或所采取的态度是一致的。

可是我们题目的答案只能有一个,如果B可以,那么C也就可行了。说明答案不可能是B,C中的任何一个,所以只能选A 。因果与否定关系词: Cambridge 4 test 1 section 321. Melanie says she has not started the assignment becauseA she was doing work for another courseB it was a really big assignmentC she hasn't spent time in the library.本题特别需要注意否定关系词not 和 因果关系词because. 不是考她开始作业的原因,而是不开始的原因;不是考她没做作业的结果,而是考原因解释。这里主要听否定词与原因表达句,且听到的原因应当要与事件对得上号,其他的就不用理会太多了。否定关系词:Cambridge 4 test 2 section 1Tourist attractions NOT open on Mondays: 7 ………………….. and Castle本题中重点注意否定词 NOT open 还有之前我们提过的时间考点词Monday 基本上答案就出来了。



表示开场: (introduction): generally speaking, comparatively speaking, in general, in a sense, in a way, in my opinion, in some cases, nowadays, recently, currently, obviously, clearly, undoubtedly 表示层进: first, firstly, to begin with; second, secondly, to start with; third, thirdly, what's more, also, and then; and equally important; besides, in addition; further, in the first place; still, furthermore; last, last but not the least; next, besides; too, moreover; finally 表示列举: (enumeration): first, second, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, in the second place, next, also, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more, beyond that, for one thing, for another, finally; for example, for instance, to illustrate, after all, as an example, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, namely, that is, like, say 表示解释: as a matter of fact, frankly speaking; in this case, in other words 表示原因: (cause): because because of, as, since, for, owing to, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of 表示总结: in summary, in a word; in brief, in conclusion; to conclude, in fact;indeed, in short in other words, of course; it is true, specially; namely, in all; that is, to summarize, to sum up ;thus, as has been said; altogether, in other words;finally, in simpler terms; in particular, that is; on the whole, to put it differently;therefore 表示结果: (result): thus, so, consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly, as a result, for this reason, as a consequence, on that account, it follows that(由此得出结论..., 因而断定... ) 表示强调: of course, indeed ;above all, most important;emphasis, certainly, in fact;chiefly, especially, indeed, certainly, particularly, to be sure, actually, above all, surely, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say 表示让步: still, nevertheless; in spite of, all the same; even so, after all;concession, granted, naturally;of course;although, however, but, yet;admittedly, it is true ……;even though, granted that 表示比较: var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;in comparison, likewise;similarly, equally;however, likewise;in the same way;equally important, like, both, the same as, in common 表示对照: (contrast): on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, in contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, by contrast 表示转折: by contrast, although;at the same time, but;in contrast, nevertheless;notwithstanding(虽然, 尽管), on the contrary; on the other hand, otherwise;regardless, still; though, yet; despite the fact that, even so;even though, for all that(虽然如此);however, in spite of;instead 表示时间: after a while, afterward; again, also; and then, as long as;at last, at length(最后);at that time, before; besides, earlier; eventually, finally;formerly, further; furthermore, in addition;in the first place, in the past; last, lately; meanwhile, moreover;next, now;presently, second;shortly, simultaneously;since, so far;soon, still; subsequently(后来,随后), then;thereafter(其后, 从那时以后), too;until, until now;when


1. Although(更书面)= though(更口语) =even if (即使,更偏假设性)=even though(虽然,更偏事实性)+句子注:不能与but连用。Devoted though we are to prosperity and freedom, we cannot shake off the judgmental strand of justice.用倒装2. No matter how/what/who等= 疑问句+everNo matter who/Whoever you are, you must keep the law.注意:疑问句+ever 可以引导名词性从句Whoever(≠ no matter who)comes will be welcome.3. …, as long as…You can do what you want, as long as you like....






first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place

second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore

third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least

also, and then, next, besides

and equally important too moreover

besides in addition finally

2)表转折;by contrast although though yet

at the same time but despite the fact that even so

in contrast nevertheless even though for all that

notwithstanding on the contrary however in spite of

on the other hand otherwise instead still


3)表因果;therefore consequently because of for the reason

thus hence due to owing to

so accordingly thanks to on this account

since as on that account in this way

for as a result as a consequence

4)表让步:still nevertheless concession granted naturally

in spite of all the same of course despite

even so after all

5)表递近:furthermore moreover likewise what is more

besides also not only...but also...

too in addition

6)表举例:for example for instance for one thing that is

to illustrate as an illustration a case in point

7)表解释:as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely


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