

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com


2010年,时任英国教育大臣的迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)在《每日电讯报》上撰文声称,他要在英国课堂发起一场“文化革命”。他当时说,当反对者说不出任何政策时,政府一直在以宏大而详尽的计划应对所面临的经济和社会危机。 最需要改革的莫过于教育领域。他说:“当我们的学生在顶尖大学招生和就业机会的竞争中远远落后时,我们浪费不起时间。” 戈夫描述了他前往中国课堂“取经”时的情景。在北京一所学校访问期间,他收到了一本厚厚的书,上面写着密密麻麻的汉字和奇怪的英语段落。起初他认为那是一本教科书,当他得知那是发表在学术期刊上的研究论文的合订本时,他的回应是:“如果你们的老师定期在大学期刊上发表新论文,那他们一定资质了得。”中国学生告诉他那不是老师的作品,而是中小学生的家庭作业。





Hula Hoop - OmiA roller skate and lights had sun and clear blue skiesThe waves are crashing byAnd when she passed me by and gave her wink and smileI was on cloud 9Love the way you move your hips and lick your lipsThe way you dip you got me up so highAnd girl you got that body with them curls like a BugattiI just wanna drive oh ohAnd girl you knowRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhGravity define that I can't believe my eyesThat thing can bring the tide heyRound and round top wise that coming Rico rideI wanna go all night yeahThe way you move your hips and lick your lipsThe way you dip you got me up so highAnd girl you got that body with them curls like a BugattiI just wanna drive oh ohAnd girl you knowRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhLike a hula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uhRound and round your loving whinds me up like aHula hula hoop hula hula hoop oh oh uh


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