
雅思口语:口试话题卡片Educational Visit

11月18日 编辑 39baobao.com


Describe an educational visit that you made when you were in school.

You should say:

where you went

who you went with

what you did there

and explain what you learned on this trip.

范文: When we visited Hong Kong during a winter holiday, my school teachers took us to the world famous Hong Kong Ocean Park. That was my first time to see so many live sea animals and got plenty of life experiencenot ailable on any of my textbooks.

The Ocean Park was very large indeed, and there was much to see inside. Nearly 3,000 fish of 280 breeds, in different colors and shapes were exhibitedthere. On the first floor, I was amazed by seeing such a big fish jar. As I took a closer look, I discovered really colorful fish inside, like a group of lovely little fairies. The fish were of all breeds, majorityof them I could not name.


told my teacher that I wanted to see dolphins and sea lions, as I heard sea lions and dolphins in the Ocean Park were very lovely. We were led to the Dolphin Study where dolphins show how they learn from human beings. Dolphinsare lively creatures fond of making friends with people. They are the most intelligent undersea mammal. I really learned a lot that day. For example I learned that dolphins are good divers. They don't he gill, so they store much oxygen in their blood and muscle. The dolphins we saw were from one family; they stayed together all day long and would not separate, and acpanied each other all the time. I found that animals and human beings had so much in mon.

That trip was fun and educational. From my personal experience, I believe field trips are essential in educating students in an all-around way.


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