

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


As we all know, the resource is limited,and our government appeal to civilization to build a conservation-oriented society.

However, the fact is dissafication.Take it for example that the lights are turned on while no one in the classroom.Besides,the water is running and no one to turn off.What's worse,some people only write several words in a piece of paper.There on denying the fact that many people still waste resource.So we should take steps to contribute to building a conservation-oriented society.We should pay attention to these situations ,and if we see someone is wasting resource,we should persuade him to treasure these resource.

In my opinion, though we only are teenagers,we can try our best to value these resource,and we should remember it's our responsibily at same time.



Our government is aiming to build a “conservation-oriented society” (节约型社会). I think it is every citizen's duty to achieve this goal. As high students, what should we do? We should focus our attention on details around ourselves. We should form the habit of saving water, especially when we brush our teeth and wash hands, and never leave water running unnecessarily. Meanwhile, we ought to save electricity. When we leave classrooms or our homes we should make sure that the light and some electrical equipments have been turned off. Do never make the light on in the daytime if unnecessary. We should also save our every piece of paper as well as other writing materials. What's more, we should offer to recommend our relatives and friends as well as our parents to save energy. Dear fellow students, let's start right now,do our's part!


The development of the economy cans not get away from the resources to prop up. The our country economy has already entered the lately fast growth stage, but the growth of the thick put type make our country energy, fresh water, land, mineral etc. resources shortage of antinomy further highlight. At the same time, the problem that produces and consumes the way absurdity is very outstanding, escape from actual, be greedy for to beg the ocean greatly, pursue extravagant, spend lavishly the wasted phenomenon to return a great deal of existence. The actuality tells us, if don't change the traditional high devotion, high depletion, low efficiency thick to put a growth method, if not in the consciousness that whole societies further enhance to economize the resources, the development of the economy is by all means would more and more under the influence of the check and supervision of the resources, producing the living environment and willing worsen more and more, this will directly social grand target of overall construction middle-class family of smooth realization.The construction economize type society, will set up and carry out science development view, insist that the resources develops to lay equal stress on with economy, put the economy in the first policy, carry out basic sex change of the economy growth method tightly and tightly and around, with exaltation the using of resource efficiency for core, with economize on energy, the stanza water, stanza material, stanza ground, resources is comprehensive the exploitation circulates the economy with development for point, speed structure adjustment, push forward technique progress, strengthen the legal system construction, perfect policy measure, enhance the economy to realize, build up as soon as possible sound promote economize a system of social construction and mechanisms, become the growth method and the consumption modes of economize the types gradually, provide for the source to make use of efficiently and make use of circularly, can promote the economic society keep on the development.


Nowadays,we are facing more and more serious problems about environment and resourses.In the first place,we should try to save water ,electricity and food in dairy life .Secondly ,the weather has become terrible recently.As to the serious situation,we should take measures.Thirdly,the air and water pollution and the phenomenon of the earth running away also exist.It's clearly that we should take bus and should not use diaposable chopsticks and plastic.

Because we are creating an economical society ,it's high time that we saved in everyday life.Only in this way can our society be run properly and only in this way can we have a good environment to live in.In order to build a economy society, we should protect the environment and save in everyday life


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