

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[常用的连接词]常用的连接词:1)表层次:first, firstly to begin with further in the first placesecond, secondly to start with still furthermorethird, thirdly what is more las...+阅读


first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place

second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore

third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least

also, and then, next, besides

and equally important too moreover

besides in addtion finally


by contrast although though yet

at the same time but despitethe fact that even so

in contrast nevertheless even though for all that

notwithstanding on the contarary however in spite of

on the other hand otherwise instead still



therfore consequently because of for the reason

thus hence due to owing to

so accordingly thanks to on this account

since as on that account in this way

for as a result as a consequence


still nevertheless concession granted naturally

in spite of all the same of course despite

even so after all


furthermore moreover likewise what is more

besides also not only...but also...

too in addtion


for example for instance for one thing that is

to illustrate as an illustration a case in point


as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely

in other words


in summary in a word thus as has been said

in brief in conclusion altogether in other words

to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms

indeed in short in particular that is

in other words of course on the whole to put it differently

namely in all therefore to summarize


1.stay in touch___with___与······保持联系

2.__in__case (of)假设,万一






8__as__a resuly of作为(······的)结果





13.at present 现在,目前

14.set _out___释放

15.__in__the wild 在自然环境下

16.throw __away__扔掉

17.the key _to___ ······的关键

18.adapt __to__ 适应

19.call __in__ 需要

20.add __to__ 增添

21.remind sb __of__ sth 提醒某人某事

22.come up __with__ 提出

23.__come__ the go 忙个不停

24.succeed __in__ doing 成功做某事

25._through___ force 通过暴力


你好!先说明是粘贴的。一.不同的动词,后面加上相同的小品词。1, 动词+away构成的短语有:throw away 扔掉 carry away 运走 put away 把。。。收好 run away 潜逃,跑开 give away 捐赠,分发 go away 走开2, 动词+for构成的短语有:answer for 负责 provide for 供养 call for 要求 plan for 打算,为。。计划 hope for 希望,期待 ask for 索取,寻找 send for 派人去请 go for 努力获取 pay for 偿还,赔偿 wait for 等待 look for 寻找3, 动词+on构成的短语有:try on 试穿,试验 put on 穿上,上演 have on 穿着,戴着 pull on 穿,戴 hold on 不挂断,坚持,继续 carry on 继续开展,坚持 keep on 继续 go on 继续 get on 上车 come on 赶快4, 动词+over构成的短语有:come over 过来 hand over 移交 go over 仔细检查,复习 get over 克服,恢复 look over 检查 think over 仔细考虑 take over 接受,接管 hand over 移交 turn over 翻转5, 动词+up构成的短语有; bring up 抚养,培养 call up 召唤,打电话给 come up 走进,上来 cut up 切碎 fix up 修理 give up 放弃 go up 上升,增长 grow up 长大 look up 尊敬,向上看,查寻 make up 虚构,弥补,组成 put up 举起,搭建 pick up 捡起,搭载,得到 set up 建立,创纪录 send up 发射 show up 揭露,露面 turn up 出现,把。

调高一点 take up 占据,开始从事6, 动词+out 构成的短语有:come out 出来 go out 出去,熄灭 look out 留神,当心 walk out 走出 set out 出发,开始 put out 扑灭。生产 give out 发出,发表 hand out 分发 pick out 挑选 find out 找出,发现 speak out 大声地说 turn out 生产,打扫 get out 出去,离开 work out 计算出,解决,实行 行得通 bring out 出版 carry out 实现,执行 Start out 出发,动身 二.同一个动词后面加上不同的小品词(介词或副词) 1,break+介词或副词的短语有:break down 击败,摧毁,发生故障,身体垮掉 break out 爆发 break through 突破,突围 break off 中断,突然停止 break up 打碎,分解,驱散 break in 闯入 break into 破门而入 break away 突然离开,逃脱,脱离 2,bring+介词的短语有: bring about 使发生 bring back 拿回来,使恢复 bring down 打到,降低 bring in 引进 bring out 出版,生产 bring up 培养,养育 bring over 把。

。带来 3,come+介词或副词的短语有: come in 进来 come from 来自于。。 come about 产生 come over 过来 come out 出现,出来 come by 从旁边经过 come up 上来,走进 come across 偶遇 come along 发生,进步 come after 跟着。。来 come back 回来 come around 绕道而来 come down 下来 come on 快点,赶快 4,cut+介词的短语有: cut in 插嘴,插入 cut into 切入 cut across 抄近路 cut back 减少 cut off 切断 cut up 切碎 cut away 砍掉 cut down 砍到,削减 cut out 剪取,剪掉 cut through 通过,穿过 5,call+介词或副词的短语有: call after 以。。的名字来命名 call for 要求 call back 教会,召回,回忆 call up 使人想起,打电话 call on 号召,拜访某人 call in(at)在某地稍作逗留,邀请 call off 取消6, get+介词或副词的短语有:get about 传播 get through 到达,做完,通过,度过,打电话 get in 进入,陷入 get on 上车,进展,相处融洽 get off 下车,下来 get out 出去,离开 get over 克服 get across 通过,被理解 get along 与。

。相处融洽 get away 离开,脱身7, give+介词或副词的短语有: give up 放弃 give in 屈服,投降 give away 赠送,捐赠,泄露,错过 give over 移交,交出 give off 放出,发出,排出 give out 分发,散发,放出 give back 归还8, go+介词或副词的短语有:go ahead 着手,开始做 go along 进展,前进 go around 流传,传播 go away 离去,走开 go beyond 超过 go by 过去,流逝 go down 下降 go up 上升 go for 喜欢 go off 离开,停止 go on 继续,发生 go over 复习 go through 经历,穿过9, look+介词或副词的短语有:look after 照顾,照料 look away 把。。收拾好,积蓄 look around 环顾 look at 看 look down 朝下看 look for 寻找 look into 调查 look out 当心 look over 检查 look through 浏览,检查 look up 向上看,查阅10, turn+介词的短语有:turn about/round 向后转,回头,转身 turn against 反对某人 turn away 转过脸去,拒绝 turn back 往回走 turn back 往回走 turn down 调低,关小,拒绝 turn in 上交,上缴 turn into 变成 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn out 熄灭,生产 turn over 翻过来 turn to 求助于,转向 turn up 调高,到达,出现11, put+介词的短语有:put aside 把。

。放在一起,积蓄 put away 把。。收好,积蓄 put back 把。。放回原处 put down 放下,镇压 put forward 提出,建议 put in 放进 put off 推迟,拖延 put on 穿上,戴上,增加,上演 put out 生产出,出版 put up 举起12, be/get/become+过去分词、形容词、介词短语有:be dressed in 穿着 be fond of 爱好,喜爱 be lost in 沉溺于 be located in 位于 be addicted in 沉溺于 be used to 习惯于 be curious about 对。。好奇 be engaged in 忙于。。be glad to 乐意。。。 be convinced of 确信,认识到 be aware of 知道 be worried about 担心13, 动词+副词+介...


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