

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文诗歌初中要翻译中文]A little girl's dream Dreams keep running through my mind Reflecting memories of long ago. Made in a land of fairy tales, A place my heart longs for so. Cut off...+阅读

Five little Firemen

Five little firemen standing in a raw.

One two three four five they go.

Hop on the engine with a shout.

Quicker then a wink the fire is out.

A Pine Trees

I'm a pine tree standing in the hill.

I can stand so very very still.

Put all at once a wind blew.

I won't bend to and fro to and fro.


Autumn days are on their way.

Pretty leaves are bright and gay.

Summer's over, nights are cool.

Boys and girl are back at school.

Tom Tucker

Little Tommy tucker.

Gry for the supper.

What can he get.

White bread and butter


Looking up at the stars, I know quite well 仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,

That, for all they care, I can go to hell, 尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,

But on earth indifference is the least 可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧

We have to dread from man or beast. 人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。

How should we like it were stars to burn 倘若群星燃烧着关怀我们的激情,

With a passion for us we could not return? 我们却无法回报,我们作何感想?

If equal affection cannot be, 倘若无法产生同样的感情,

Let the more loving one be me. 让我成为更有爱心的人。

Admirer as I think I am 尽管我自视为群星的崇拜者,

Of stars that do not give a damn, 它们满不在乎,

I cannot, now I see them ,say 现在我看群星,我却难以启齿,

I missed one terribly all day. 说我成天思念一颗星星。

Were all stars to disappear or die 倘若所有的星星消失或者消亡,

I should learn to look at an empty sky 我应该学会仰望空荡的天空,

And feel its total dark sublime, 同时感受天空一片漆黑的崇高,

Though this might take me a little time. 虽然这样可能要花费一点时间。


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