

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学五年级英语阅读阅读理解练习题]小学五年级英语阅读 五年级阅读理解练习1 Name_____________ Mark_________________ Passage1 Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is Did Smit...+阅读

1、Are there any pictures on the wall ?

2、Kate and Jim have two boxes of chocolates .

3、Does Tom have any rice ?

4、How many oranges can you see in the basket ?

5、How many circles are there ?

6、Don't forget to write to your father .

7、What shape is the bag ?

8、How many computers can you see in the picture ?

10、Are they watching TV now ?

9、There are three windows and a door in the wall .

11、Gaosan is thinner than his brother .

12、Is your hair longer than his brother ?

13、Yang Ling's uncle is stronger and taller than her father .

14、There is a little dog and two cats under the tree .

15、My mom says Jimmy is also her child .

16、I am three months elder than he .

17、Go along the street and turn left at the second crossing .

18、You can take the NO.2 bus and get off at the third stop .


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