

02月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学英语阅读理解]1 They want to go to the Post Office. 2 They want to send a letter and send some postcards. 3 The Post Office. 5 Yes,it is. 6 They write an e-mail in the INTERN...+阅读

从A,B,C 三项中选出最符合提意的一项

( ) It's cold. _____ the window, Sparky.

A. Open B. Close C. close

( ) This is a _______(电视).

A. television B. telephone C. televiseions

( ) This is a ________(客厅).

A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room

( ) You have ________.

A . hairs B. Hair C. hair

( ) I have two ________.

A. foot B. feet C. foots

( ) How many _______ are there?

A dish B. dishs C. dishes

( ) There are thirteen ________.

A dishs B. cans C. can

( ) How many pens _______ there?

A are B. is C. am

( ) Shut the ________!

A. doors B. door C. Window

( ) Take off your _______.

A. Sweater B. jacket C. pant

( ) I like ________(夏天).

A. winter B. summer C. spring

( ) I see an _________.

A. policeman B. science C. apple

( ) He is ____farmer.

A. a B. an C.不填

( ) It's ________ brother.

A. I B. my C. you

( ) He is a ______________.

A. policemans B . policeman C. policemen.

( ) ______ (他) is a doctor.

A. he B. He C. She

( ) These _____ heavy.

A is B. 不填 C. are

( ) This _____ large.

A. are B. Are C. is

( ) _______(那些) are dirty.

A. those B. These C. Those


英语阅读小学的为你解答。 1、What happened to the two frogs at the beginning? The two frogs fell into a deep pit. 2、Did they give up hope at first? No, they didn't. 3、Why co...

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关于夏天的英语单词和句子有哪些关于“夏天”的英文单词和句子如下: 1、summer sowing 夏播【xià bō】,夏天里播下种子。 2、summer hoeing 夏锄【xià chú】, 指夏季锄地的活儿。 3、summer field managem...

夏天的英语单词summer 英['sʌmə(r)] 美[ˈsʌmɚ] n. 夏,夏天;全盛时期,黄金时代,壮年时期;[建]大梁,檀条,楣,柱顶... adj. 夏季的 v. 度过夏季,避暑;使度过夏季,夏季放牧(家畜) ~如果你认可我的回答,请...

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关于夏天的英语单词summer 夏天summer begins 立夏summer solstice 夏至air-conditional 空调ice 冰cool drink 冷饮typhoon/tropical storm/hurricane 台风/热带风暴/飓风refrigerator 冰箱su...
