

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语长难句分析]翻译:不幸的是,尽管很多学生在作文中内容和逻辑都比较优秀,但他们对拼写都不怎么重视,所以老师往往在是否给他们打高分这个问题上陷入两难。 分析:1。Unfortunately 状语 2。(a g...+阅读

不是插入语,只不过是为了使句子更精彩而将原因状语放入句子中间,这样无形中就对不熟悉这种结构的同学造成了阅读障碍。其实我们自己在写作的时候,为了显得自己水平很高也会这样做,而且这种用法(原因状语,结果状语,时间状语等等插入到句子中间)在地道的英语文章中是很常见的。这句话的正常语序是:In order for the structure to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose, architecture employs methods of support that have changed little since people first discovered them——even while building materials have changed dramatically,because they are based on physical laws.一并帮你翻译一下:为了使建筑结构具有与其目的相适应的尺寸和力量,建筑师们采用了自从发现以来就几乎没怎么变化的支撑方法(尽管建筑材料已经发生了极大的改变),因为它们是基于物理规律的(言外之意是基于物理规律的东西是不可以轻易改动的)。希望能帮到你,考试加油,我刚刚考过,有什么问题可以问我~~...


英文长难句的分析{If it is essential for the listeners to understand the musical style [as applied to a composer's work], it is even more so for the interpreter. it is essential...

请大家帮忙分析个长难句的语法结构要详细 !谢谢!还有翻译1. To understand the width and depth to which science can be appiled to the material and spiritual problems that confront individuals and nations 是一个很长的动...

求长难句分析和翻译1. 句干是 The car is the Tata Nono,后面manufactured in.....和 first launched....并列做Tata Nono的定语。 翻译:这款有争议的车就是Tata Nono。该款车产自由企业家Ratan...

考研英语长难句分析建议你多看看考研英语真题【考研真相】,这本书的长难句讲解的很不错! 我复习的感觉是分这么几个阶段:1、先弄透真题文章(我自己英语基础不好,所以一定要过了背单词阶段)。把真题的...

如何快速理解GRE阅读长难句如何快速理解GRE长难句,技巧如下: 精简句子结构GRE阅读理解的考查重点不在词汇上,而是句子结构和句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。其中复杂修饰成分是干扰考生选择答案的很大障...

GRE长难句的一个不解之处英语高手请进高分悬赏these 指代前面的the personal memories and fiction development 也就是the memories and fiction development took over in his novel took over = became dominant the...

英语四级真题英语阅读长难句分析13内容1。 It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are...


