

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[牛津英语初一下学期英语U4导学作文的范文]My favorite season is winter. Because i always feel magical when the sky is falling snow. The snow is so crystal-clear and beautiful so that me can't stop mysel...+阅读

1.-Do you feel cold today?

-No, I wear so many clothes.

2.Your hair looks pretty cool.


1.Everyone is having a good time.(同义句替换)

All the people are enjoying themselves.

2. People wear scarfs in winter.(同义句替换)

People are wearing / in scarfs in winter.

3. The children are enjoying themselves in the park.(同义句替换)

The children are having fun in the park.

4. Can you go with us to the party toninght?(同义句替换)

Can you follow us in the party toninght?

5. They are on vacation in Japan.(同义句替换)

They are spending their vacation in Japan.

6. Edward is wearing a black jacket today.(同义句替换)

Edward is in a black jacket today.

7. Jim's mother is cooking some food now.(同义句替换)

Jim's mother is doing some cooking now.

8. Please show me your photos.(同义句替换)

Please show your photos to me now.[此题你漏打了一空。若真的只有三空,那只能去掉your]

9. She looks young.(同义句替换)

She doesn't look old.

10.He often comes to class late .(同义句替换)

He is often late for class.



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