
雅思口语 part2人物介绍一个家庭成员他是谁性格解释他

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语:口语考试范文之Teengers]Teengers are the future of our country , and I happen to meet one who left me the most unfetblememory.He is my mate when I was at school, named J. I can not sa...+阅读

雅思口语part2人物类答题方法2, 关于人物性格的描述 (personality)。 很多同学都在回答的时候用到了 “热心的,善良的”, 即 kind-hearted, warm-hearted;还有同学会说到 “内向的,外向的”— introverted, extroverted; 聪明的 intelligent; 努力工作的 hard-working/ industrious; 喜欢社交的 sociable; 可依靠的 “reliable, someone you can depend upon”; 有能力的 “competent”; 有抱负的 ambitious; 有……感的, has a sense of …….。

当然在表达的时候有同学还会用到一些贬义形容词,比如说 讨厌的 boring; 喜欢控制人的 bossy; 焦虑的 anxious;脾气不好的 bad-tempered. 雅思口语part2人物类答题方法3. 人物对于你的影响或和你的关系。 一般我们在考到名人或老人的时候更多的使用的是他们对我们的影响是什么。比如老人我们即可从很多角度作答,例如 1)社会经验,知识积累 they got more life experience/ they are knowledgeable/ they went through a lot to become an accomplished…. 2) 心态 they are understanding/supportive/positive/optimistic/always look on the bright side of life. 在谈到朋友时,1) 关系 we have a lot in common, we often hang out together/we were like peas and carrots/ we grow apart gradually 2)朋友对你的影响 he is a reliable person, I can really count on him/ optimistic, when I am upset, he is always there to cheer me up/ a determined person, when he get into something, he gives one hundred percent. 雅思口语part2人物类答题方法4. 结合具体题目 了解了关于人物的描述方法,我们还要结合具体的题目来回答每一个题目,例如在描述 “describe a person who has an important job”时,除了对于人物的描述外还需要重点描述 “why the job is important”. 结合今年考到的这些题目,例如考到 “describe a polite person”的时候,要结合一个关于礼貌的说法, “offer his seat(让座),make eye contact, carry on telephone conversations in a low voice in public”. 考到 “a famous person” 时,更要结合具体的实例来,如说到姚明时,我们可以列举一些他所做的慈善工作 “he did a lot of charity work. For example, he works with Johnson to help educate Chinese citizens about HIV prevention and support, care people with HIV. “


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