

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com



Bernard Ebbers, the once-swaggering CEO of World, was convicted Tuesday of engineering the largest corporate fraud in U.S. history - an  11 billion accounting scandal that capsized the big tele pany three years ago.


Lenovo Group has obtained U.S. government clearance for the purchase of IBM’s PC unit.


The PSP machine, a challenger to Nintendo Co.’s long-standing grip on the handheld video gaming market, will be sold as a “value pack” for  250 in the United States and for  300 Canadian dollars. It will include numerous accessories and - for the first million sold - a copy of the “Spider-Man 2” movie on the new Universal Media Disc format that Sony designed for the PSP.

Shoot up:暴涨,迅速生长

Shares in Google jumped 9 percent to a record high after the pany reported ine shot up more than seven times from a year earlier, beating estimates by a wide margin.


The devastating tsunami that wiped out cities, seaside munities and holiday r

esorts in southern Asia has not put holidaymakers off visiting the region, a survey has found.

Get an edge:取胜

When it es to recruiting students for college, admissions officials are turning to increasingly outlandish stunts to get the attention of high schoolers. Birthday cards, ski weekends and even reality TV shows are being used by colleges and universities to get an edge.


Hiring the shirtsleeve crowd represents a shift in the economy toward higher-paying jobs and a more skilled workforce. It also indicates that some panies that squeezed their middle managements four years ago are starting to rebuild them.

assembly line:装配线

Airbus agreed with Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday to study the possibility of setting up an assembly line in China —— a move that could see its jets being built outside Europe for the first time.


Wagoner said the job cuts will e primarily through attrition and early-retirement packages to mitigate the impact on workers



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