

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学二年级写尊老爱老的作文急!]楼上的各位看好了,人家说的是二年级作文敬老、爱老,从我做起我家楼下住着一位老爷爷, 他老伴早已去世了, 儿女也很少来看他。所以老爷爷脾气怪怪的,很少跟别人打交道,走路眼直直地...+阅读

Tomorrow is the annual National Day, is her mother's fifty-year-old birthday, to celebrate her birthday, our school held a singing contest this morning. Competition in our class song is "Hand in Hand" "Anthem," "team song." After school hours we practice, well prepared, feel good about themselves. We can achieve good results.

Tomorrow is the annual National Day, is the country's fifty-year-old mother birthday, to celebrate her birthday, our school held a singing contest this morning. Competition in our class song is "Hand in Hand" "Anthem," "team song." After school hours we practice, well prepared, feel good about themselves. We can achieve good results.


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