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[收听国外英语电台提高托福听力能力]如果有些网友准备一年或者两年以后参加托福考试,特别像现在大二或大三学生,不妨从现在开始收听BBC、CNN这样优秀的英语广播电台来提高自己的听力。他们发音标准,语言流畅, 内容...+阅读

Unit 4

astringent a.收敛性的;止血的 [stringent 严格的;严厉的]

astrolabe n.星盘

astrology n.占星学 [ASTRO-, -LOGY]

astute a.机敏的;狡猾的 [astut or astutus astus craft]

asunder ad.散开;碎散;分别 [ on sundran into pieces: cf SUNDER分为二,分开,切开]

asylum n.收容所;避难所 [ asulon refuge a- not + sulon right ofseizure捕捉,扣押]

asymmetric a.不均匀的;不对称的

atheistic a.无神论者的 [atheism无神论]

athirst a.渴;渴望 [ ofthyrst for ofthyrsted pp. of ofthyrstan be thirsty]

athlete n.比赛者,运动家;强壮的人[ athleta athletes athleo contend for a prize(athlon)]

athletics n.pl.运动 [athlete运动员]

athwart ad.横穿过去;不顺利地 [A+THWART(古北欧语"横过")妨碍,反对,使挫折)]

atlas n.地图集 [ Atlas -antos a Titan who held up the pillars of theuniverse, whose picture appeared at the beginning] of [early atlases]

atomy n.微小之物;原子;矮人 [ANATOMY剖析;解剖学;骨骸 taken as an atomy]

atonal a.无调的

atone v.补偿;赎罪 [back-form ATONEMENT 赎罪 at one + -MENT, after medL adunamentum and earlier onementobs] [one(v)unite]

atrocious a.凶暴的;残酷的 [atrox -ocis cruel atrocity暴行]

atrophy v.使衰退;使萎缩 [atrophie or LL atrophia a- not+trophe food]

attach v.附上,贴上;使属于 [estachier fasten: in Law sense thr. atachier]

attachment n.附着;依恋;逮捕;扣押 [ attachement attacher(ATTACH, -MENT)]

attainment n.成就;造诣;学识

attentive a.注意周到的;倾听的 [attente, atente, fem pp. of atendre ATTEND]

attenuate v.使变细;使弱 [AD-, tenuis thin]

attest v.证明;证实 [AD-, testis witness]

attic n.阁楼 [attique, as ATTIC古怪的: orig a small order above a taller one]

attire n.服装;盛装;打扮 [atir(i)er equip a tire in order]

attorney n.代理人;律师 [ atorne pp. of atorner assignto+torner turn]

attribute n.品性 [ attribuere attribut-(AD-, tribuere assign)]

attrition n.摩擦;磨损 [attritio atterere attrit- rub]

attune v.使合拍调;使调和 [AT-+TUNE]

atypical a.非典型的;不正常的

auction v.n.拍卖;拍卖人 [ auctio increase, auction augere auct- increase]

audacious a.大胆的;目中无人的 [ audax -acis bold audere dare audacity胆识;大胆;无耻]

audible a.听得见的,可听见的 [audibilis audire hear. audibility 听得见,可听性]

audience n.听众;观众 [audire hear]

audit n.检查(项目) [audire audit- hear audition听觉;试听(歌手等)]

auditorium n.听众席,观众席;大讲堂 [ neut. of auditorius (adj.): AUDITORY, -ORIUM]

augment v.增加 [ augment(n), augere increase]

augury n.占兆 [ augurie or augurium AUGUR]

august a.堂堂的;威风凛凛的 [ auguste or augustus consecrated, venerable]

aural a.耳的;听觉的 [ auris ear auricular耳的;听觉的;耳语的]

aureate a.金色的;灿烂的 [ aureatus aureus golden aurum gold]

aureole n.光环 [aureola(corona), = golden(crown), fem of aureolus]

auroral a.北极光的 [AURORA 极光;夜晚女神]








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