

03月12日 编辑 39baobao.com


In the fields of packet-switched networks and computer networking, the traffic engineering term Quality of Service, abbreviated QoS, refers to resource reservation control mechanisms. Quality of Service can provide different priority to different users or data flows, or guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow in accordance with requests from the application program or the internet service provider policy. Quality of Service guarantees are important if the network capacity is limited, for example in cellular data communication, especially for real-time streaming multimedia applications, for example voice over IP and IP-TV, since these often require fixed bit rate and are delay sensitive.A network or protocol that supports Quality of Service may agree on a traffic contract with the application software and reserve capacity in the network nodes, for example during a session establishment phase. During the session it may monitor the achieved level of performance, for example the data rate and delay, and dynamically control scheduling priorities in the network nodes. It may release the reserved capacity during a tear down phase.Quality of Service comprises all the aspects of a connection, such as time to provide service, voice quality, echo, loss, reliability and so on. A subset of telephony QoS is Grade of Service (GOS), which comprises aspects of a connection relating to the capacity of a network.[1]A best-effort network or service does not support Quality of Service.The term Quality of Service is sometimes used as a quality measure, with many alternative definitions, rather than referring to the ability to reserve resources. Quality of Service sometimes refers to the level of Quality of service, i.e. the guaranteed service quality. High QoS is often confused with a high level of performance or achieved service quality, for example high bit rate, low latency and low bit error probability.


紫外线照度计1401是一种高质量的UV能量测量仪。其独特设计的内置手把,在使用时更为方便。 融达紫外线照度计是用于测量不同光源的UV能量,尤其是用于印刷机器上。确保印刷及干燥之过程达到理想的质量控制。 能量计能测量的光谱范围为 250-410纳米,最佳感应 高峰光谱输出为330纳米。 当曝光循环时附加射入的光线 数量,相对的价值会计算在内。 由于光源不规律的放射分布,及不同制造商有不同的构造设计。以致在同一测量 条件下,可能出现不同的读数。 使用方法: 1. 按下紫外线照度计之开关制“ON”,显示屏上将显示“0”。 2. 把紫外线照度计翻转放在输送带上。(传感器是安装在仪器之背面,亦能抵受较高的温度。) 3. 待仪器通过了输送带手,可从正面阅读结果。

紫外线照度计显示如:mJ/cm2 4. 在进行一个新的测量程序前,必须先把仪器关掉,然后再次开动。显示屏上将重新调至“0”。 接着可依照2继续操作。 注意事项: 1. 请避免摇动仪器。 2. 勿直视或非直视即通过折射/反射UV灯,保证身体的任何部位均不受UV灯直射。 技术数据: 光谱范围: UV 250-410 nm(纳米) 测量范围: 0-5,000 mW/cm2(毫瓦特/平方厘米) 显示范围: 0-999,999 mJ/cm2(毫焦耳/平方厘米) 电 源: AAA电池 电 功 耗: 100μA 电池寿命: 正常操作使用一年 几何尺寸: 140毫米直径,13毫米高 净 重 量: 约450克 环境温度: 0至45度(摄氏℃) 瞬时温度: 110(摄氏℃)温度不可超过10秒。 调查校验: 由于所有的电子原件,尤其是其灯光感应器,通常都会随时间而老化,所以建议一年进行一次校验。

而且更换电池后,也应进行调查校验。 According to 1401 meters UV is a high-quality UV energy meter. Its unique design of the built-in hand, more convenient in use. Melting of the UV meter according to the different light source is used to measure the UV energy, especially for the printing machine. To ensure that the process of printing and drying to achieve the ideal of quality control. Energy Meter to measure the spectral range of 250-410 nm, the best sensor peak output of 330 nanometer spectrum. When the exposure cycle the number of additional light into the relative value of the excluded. Irregular as a result of the radiation source distribution, and different manufacturers have different structural design. Result in the same measurement conditions, the readings may be different. Use: 1. Press UV system according to meters of the switch "ON", the display will show "0." 2. According to the ultraviolet light turned on the conveyor belt on the meter. (Sensor is installed in the back of equipment, can withstand a higher temperature.) 3. Through the conveyor belt to be hand equipment can be seen from the results of a positive reading. According to the UV meter shows such as: mJ/cm2 4. Conducting a new measurement procedure must first turn off the apparatus, and then start again. Will re-display to "0." Can then continue to operate in accordance with 2. Notes: 1. Please avoid shaking apparatus. 2. Do not open or open by refraction / reflection UV light to ensure that any part of the body are not subject to direct UV light. Technical Data: Spectral range: UV 250-410 nm (nanometer) range: 0-5,000 mW/cm2 (milliwatts / square cm) display range: 0-999,999 mJ/cm2 (mJ / square cm) Power: AAA battery Electric power consumption: 100μA battery life: the normal operation of the use of one-year geometry: 140 mm diameter, 13 mm high Net weight: 450 grams of about ambient temperature: 0-45 degrees (Celsius ℃) instantaneous temperature: 110 (Celsius ℃) temperature can not be more than 10 seconds. Check the survey: As all of the electronics components, especially its light sensor, usually with time of aging, it is proposed to conduct a check for one year. And replace the battery, the check should also be investigated.


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