

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


Abstract: the gas transport pipeline is one of the main ways, general buried installation, with construction fast, transportation low cost and safe and reliable. Along with the pipeline construction units, building a pipeline require huge investment in infrastructure, allowing people to seek an optimal combination solutions for a minimum cost. This paper serves according to the technical economics principle of technology, the economic calculation, hydraulic calculation, thermodynamic calculation, strength calculation, reached after multiple solutions for each feasible scheme of technical analysis, economic comparison and benefit evaluation, seek to technology and economy, to determine the best combination of advanced technology, reasonable economy optimal economic plan. Just natural gas pipeline is concerned, how to pass on each feasible scheme of technical analysis and economic comparison, seek diameter D, wall thickness delta, compressor station number n, compressor station distance L, and compressor station inlet and outlet pressure PB, PH main technical and economic parameters such as optimal combination (contented and certain constraint condition), making a systematic years minimum cost converted. So, through the optimization of pipeline system, can be economic rational design scheme and operation parameters, making a systematic work in the best condition, to save energy, less inputs and outputs to achieve saving infrastructure investment and improve the economic efficiency.我是用有道词典翻译的,其实这些都可以使用翻译软件来翻译,最后自己在挑一下看看有没有错误,挺简单的!


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