

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求1500字论文题目中国与现代物流管理要求开头有100字左右摘要]参考: 中国与现代物流管理 摘要: 现代化的管理管理与现代物流企业越来越紧密地联系在一起,在中国现代管理管理为企业降低成本、提高效率、服务客户提供了强大的技术支持。现代...+阅读

In 1994, China began to embark on tax reform is executed with turnover tax system mainly. At this time so far has been centered on the income tax, foreign tax system as the main body. China belong in turnover as the main source of national tax of VAT and consumption tax, currently combination, assisted by the business tax mode. Fiscal and taxation to social resource allocation, income distribution, national economic development, enterprise's economic activities, residents vital interests and government decision-making behavior are significant influence. Along with our country socialist market economy fast development, its is becoming more and more important, the function is more and more obvious. In recent years, with the sustained and rapid development of economy in our country and national finance and tax has greatly increased, as well as China's economic system reform of deepening of economic development and national macro-control increasing, the country timely issued a series of relevant financial and tax management of new rules, new policies and new supervision system, make our country the fiscal and taxation theory and practice has witnessed many great changes.


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