

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语论文怎么写啊]恩,英语论文格式及写作规范 语言和内容是评判一篇英语论文质量高低的重要依据;但是,写作格式规范与否亦是一个不可忽略的衡量标准。因此,规范英语论文的格式,使之与国际学术惯例...+阅读

abstract a second language learner's cognitive style is one of the many factors that may influence his/her success in second language acquisition (sla). one of cognitive styles, field independence (fi) has been chosen in the present study because it seems to attract most attention in sla. the present study attempts to investigate the roles that fi plays in the reading ability, one of the most important skills in sla. in the present study, the reading ability refers to the ability in three most frequently occurring reading types, skimming, scanning, and careful reading. an experiment has been conducted to explore the relationship between the reading ability of the three reading types and fi. in addition, the differences between effective readers and ineffective readers in fi were investigated. 106 medical students from the same big class in the first military medical university (fimmu) participated in the experiment. a questionnaire was designed to assess the student's degree of fi. two reading comprehension tests were designed to assess the student's reading ability, one for skimming and scanning, and the other for careful reading. results show that there is a significant relationship between fi and skimming or careful reading, and that there is a significant difference between effective readers and ineffective readers in fi. the findings of the present study show a picture of the role of cognitive style of chinese medical students in english reading ability. in addition, they are beneficial for the chinese english teachers to accommodate reading classroom activities according to the students' different cognitive styles, so as to obtain the best reading results. key words: cognitive styles; field independence; reading ability reading is one of the basic skills which language learners should master. their reading capability has been a symbol of literacy for a long time. people need to develop their reading ability so as to read efficiently and benefit from the wealth of information in the present world. for second language learners, it is essential to read well in a target language. reading is probably the most important skill in learning a foreign language. and reading in another language allows for one more channel of communication and for an important source of input. the importance of reading has initiated much research in sla. and the reading process has been one of the key aspects of reading research. with the influence of psycholinguistics, the research of the reading process has been developed rapidly. the well-known theories include: the bottom-up model, the top-down model, and the interactive model.


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