

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学四年级作文关于快乐的事]四年级叙事作文:快乐的一件事400字】 我们活在世界上,就会有许多令我们感到快乐的事情。其中有一件最快乐的事情至今还深深地印在我的脑海里。 在三年级的时候,一个风和日丽的...+阅读

Happy Valentine's Day!--I got a flower!

Today is Valentine's Day! And I got a flower! Yeath!

Where did the flower come from?

En, this morning, on the way I went to my office, I got a flower from a Man, but not a gentleman, just a “Salesman” who standing at the door of Metro Tower and distributing the flowers to the passengers for free. HaHa.

When after work, I accompanied Rose who is the queen of KTV to see the “Dating at Saturday”. There are so many people in the GangHui Building of XuJiaHui. A young girl was also standing at the door to distribute the flowers.

I said to her, “Can you give me one?”

She was very surprised and answered, “But we just give it to the Valentine!”


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