

03月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请求帮忙修改一篇6级考试英语作文]The way to success There is a famous remark said by Abraham Lincoln,"Give me six hours to chop down a tree,and I will spend the the first four sharpeing the axe....+阅读


Reeve Christopher Reeve played the role of [the] superman, [and] he is my [favorite] actor, too.

He was born in September 1952.

When he was still in the college, he [had] acted (?) [several roles] in TV shows and films.


He made many successful films and TV shows.(重复,让人看了很繁琐。把films and TV shows改成 works 表作品。)

But unfortunately, in 1995, he fell from his horse and broke his back.

The doctors did not expect him to live. (live改成survive比较好,幸存下来。)

But he pulled through because of his perseverance, [and] he started a new life with great courage.

One year after the accident, he returned to film making.

He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research.

He made speeches all over the USA about his experiences to encourage a lot of people living with all kinds of problems.

Many people choose to give up when they face the difficulty.

They blame everyone and everything but not themselves, [and] they even commit suicide.

I think the things they [did] are extremely wrong.

As the saying goes: God [closes] one door while opening another one for you.

Some disabled people like Christopher Reeve, Stephen Hawing, Helen Keller, Ludwig Van Beethoven even did much better than us in some ways.

The life of a man is a very small part in history.

The destiny of everyone is differ in thousands of ways.

Christopher faced such a huge setback bravely.

Can we give up so easy when we face the challenge?

The world is fine.

The life is fine, too.

As long as you try, whatever you get, you are the hero.





Good afternoon, everyone. 添加开场白:I feel very much honored to have a chance to make a speech here. My topic is Automobiles and Air Pollution. First of all, the root causes and the main sources of air pollution is transportation, especially large numbers of automobiles. (主语长但谓语部分短,有些头重脚轻,最好倒过来说:traffic transportation[交通工具], especially large numbers of automobiles, is the root causes and the main sources of air pollution. [另加traffic是为了和后面的automobiles更为合理] ) They produce huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere, include (including [不可以直接用动词原形include,分词短语才可以用作补充说明]) carbon dioxide二氧化碳, carbon monoxide一氧化碳, oxynitride氮氧化合物 and oxysulfide硫氧化物 and so on. The [定冠词多余,这里的污染应该是泛指一切污染,而非特定的污染] air pollution is destroying the conditions that we depend on. Lots of carbon dioxide is causing the greenhouse effect, oxysulfide is causing the acid rain酸雨, carbon monoxide and oxynitride are damaging our bodies directly. The greenhouse effect is warming up the world, which means (means是否改为suggests[暗示着/让人想到]耕地到一些) the ice at the south and north pole (两个不同的极点不能共用一个冠词,改为the south and the north pole) will melt融化. The land which is located near the oceans will disappear and it's a terrible catastrophe. (以下修辞建议供参考:catastrophe是名词,而it是泛指情况的非人称代词,用作表语是指这种情况本身是场大灾难,句子本身无可非议,但改为it's getting terribly catastrophic[情况越来越成为灾难性的不幸]似乎更妥。

) Acid rain will make the(冠词去掉,意见同上)water polluted, then the life (改为lives,因为水中有各种生命)in the (冠词去掉) water such as the (冠词去掉)fish will get sick and end up with dying(dying是形容词,不能用作介词宾语,另外语义也不明,去掉with直接用dying one after another作原因状语,即由于一个接一个死去而灭绝),and the plants which give us clean air will be killed the same (as fish). Obviously acid rain will enormously destroy the ecological system生态系统. Finally, we must solve the problem of air pollution. First, we can go by bike or take underground instead of driving a car if we want to go out. The government should make some policies. For example, ask the private cars to drive on even days偶数天 or odd days奇数天. The second, we should plant more trees because plants and trees can produce the fresh air. It's good for our health and environment. (be good for sb. doing sth. 表示某人做某事有好处,for sb.是doing逻辑主语;而be good to sth.意思是对某事物有好处) The third, to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels(句子不完整,缺主语,改为we should design…). Such (去掉such)in Beijing and Shanghai some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas or electricity, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol汽油. On the whole, the elimination消除 of air pollution needs the collective集体(的) efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists环保人士.


it is generally accepted that some computer information is good for us.It makes our life more perfect,convinient and interesting.however,it's getting bad now.Because many students often stay on line at netbar. what's more,lots of students spend plenty of time playing computer games.They make friends on-line and chat often.

from what has been discussed,these activities cause a terrible studing condition.How shoud we do?What can you do to help them?I think we shoud get on-line in summer or winter vacations instead of at school.



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