

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文家长和孩子对暑假生活的不同看法]Nowadays it is very common that parents drive their children to school and fetch them after school. Different people have different opinions about this . Some p...+阅读

Dear Editor: The Department of Education announced in June,2007 that from Sept.1.2007 primary and secondary students will dance into the new semester.This has led to a warmly debate.In the view of some individuals, this dance should be advocated.Firstly, it is not only a way of exercising, but also an approach to enrich the school life. Secondly, dancing also contributes to the progression of students' aesthetics. What's more, students still improve their social ability through this kind of activity.However, some people hold an opposite voice. They claim that this dance can not be universal among school due to the limited facilities and qualified dancing teachers. They aslo consider this dance as kind of performace rather than an effective way of keeping fit.As far as I am concerned, I believe this activity shouled be popularized so as to relieve the pressure of students study, which further promotes either work efficiency or social ability....


父母和孩子对就业的不同看法英语作文In the modern society , there are countless varied jobs , for the reason of the marketed economy . Obviously , it is good for many young person. Meanwhile, ever...

求关于社交网络看法的英语作文或者是对解决环境问题做法的看法社交网络看法的英语作文 A social network is a social structure made up of individuals called "nodes", which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependen...

以家长陪读为主题的作文写出自己的看法和想法三百字左右There are many discussions about whether it is good or not for students to rent outside and study along with parents.some people are in favour of students livin...

关于节约反对铺张浪费的英语作文带翻译 80词We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a...

求关于反对种族歧视的英语作文大概200字马丁路德金经典名言1. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.在最后,我们会记得的不是敌人的话语,而是朋友们的沉默...

对阅读和实践的看法英语作文Social Practice Social practice has been more and more popular in schools. Senior school students are asked to enter society and get some ideas of it. Surely, s...

对自己的看法作文你好 现在,科技发达了,电脑也是大家常见的了。 电脑,工作离不了它,学习也需要它。自从有人开了网吧以后,有许多小学生,年轻人都在网吧里;沉浸于网吧的那些虚拟的游戏里了。 有一些...

表达自己的看法的作文我对班级管理的一点看法 时代变了,社会变了,人也变了,我们教的学生也变了。班主任在管理班级的过程中,不能再采取简单粗暴的旧的管理方法了,我们应该改变理念,改进方法,规范管理,科...

