

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com


Social Practice

Social practice has been more and more popular in schools. Senior school students are asked to enter society and get some ideas of it. Surely, social practice has many advantages. Firstly, social practice can offer students a chance to contact society and meet different kinds of people. In this way students can gain some precious social experience, which will be useful to their future career. Secondly, students can apply what they have learned in class to practical work, thus knowing themselves more clearly. Thirdly, social practice can bring them some financial reward and make them more independent of their family.

However, some problems may arise if no correct guidance is made. For example, some students get overly interested in social practice and want to work full-time and earn more money, thus neglecting their studies. And some students are likely to get in touch with the dark side of society, which will affect their future values.

In order to carry out social practice smoothly, students should first know their objective. They should put their studies in the first place and see social practice just as a useful supplement(补充), so they ought to try to strike a balance between social practice and their studies.


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