

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求给父母的感恩信 800字]鸟有反哺情,羊有跪乳恩,人,身为万物之灵,亦有感恩之心、感激之情。 大千世界万物都有感恩之心:小树,感谢土地,因为土地养育了它;小鱼,感谢大海,因为大海是它的家;小鸟,感谢蓝天,因为蓝天...+阅读

My dear parent, thank you very much. You give me life , and have a lot of trouble bringing up me 。Now i grew up , I'll do fine,my dear ,you can rest assured. i'll make you happy every day .i wish you can be healthy for all time . we enjoy our good life together. i love you very much . come on !亲爱们的父母亲,非常谢谢您们, 让我来到这个世上,给予我美好的生命,和辛辛苦苦抚养我成人。现在我长大了,我会努力做好,请您们放心。 我会让您们每天都为了我高兴,我希望您们可以永远健康。我们一起幸福的生活。我爱您们。加油



英语作文感谢有你可以感谢同学朋友父母老师书籍宠物I want to thank my parents. First,thank for their love.l love them,too.They always take care of me.For example,help me with my home work.And when l am ill,they...

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