

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[励志作文 700字可以发]人性中有好多弱点,励志能有效的克服某些弱点,坚定信念,战胜困难取得成功。而如今在父母溺爱中成长的我们却缺乏这种精神。 韩愈教导我们“业精于勤,荒于嬉”;雷锋教导我们“我们...+阅读


Roman Holiday

Thanks to some recommendations from my friends , I have recently enjoyed lots of nice films. And last week, the film 'Roman Holiday' has impressed me a lot. As a remarkable work in the film history, this film is really worth watching.

It can be summarized in such a delightful story (This may be a spoilerJ): Princess Anne, who was performed by Audrey Hepburn, was getting bored with her restricted schedule when she was on a publicized tour to Rome. One night, she sneaked out of her luxurious residence and fell asleep on a public bench in central Rome.

However, she was found by Joe Bradley, an American newspaper reporter, who was performed by Gregory Peck. Joe took her home without knowing who she truly was.

Anyway, he was subject to make a big fortune by secretly interview the princess when the truth turned out. But instead of that, after showing Ann around the city and having a good time with her, he forced himself to say farewell to her, for he knew the romance between them oughtn't to be happened because of their great difference in standing, even though they had fallen in love with each other.

The end of the romantic film is really disappointing to most of the audience, though it ought to be imagined at first. However, Audrey Hepburn had successfully performed Ann as a naughty, naive and sweet angel, who ordered a glass of expensive champagne without thinking, who curiously had her first cigarette, who fell in love with a poor but kind man, and who finally firmly returned to the place she hated, only because of her responsibility.

She was really charming and graceful, not only from her innocent eyes and expressions, but also from her particular character.



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