

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com


1 Home Alone plot summary It's a day before the McAllisters, a large family, go on holiday in Paris. Kevin, the 8-year-old, is despised by everyone else. His mum sends him up to the attic bedroom the night before. The next morning, they leave, forgetting to take him with them, and they don't realise until they are halfway across the Atlantic! When Kevin discovers he has the large house to himself, he has the time of his life, but he is afraid of the neighbour, an old bearded man. Also, two burglars are determined to break in. Kevin pretends to have a party to scare them away one night, another time he lets firecrackers off in the kitchen. Finally, the burglars do get into the house, but Kevin has filled it with booby traps, which see the crooks being burned and banged on the head, among other things. point of view (观点) The overwhelming success of 'Home Alone' (it spawned two sequels), is enough to guarantee that most people will love this story of a family that departs for Paris on the Christmas holidays, mistakenly leaving an eight-year old boy to fend for himself. And fend he does, when burglars threaten to break in unless he can rig enough booby-traps to keep them out. That's the simple plot in a nutshell. Macaulay Culkin seems to have no problem carrying most of the film with a wide variety of looks, gestures and expressions--but for my money it's Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci who get the main laughs as the bumbling burglars intent on outwitting the kid's traps. Others in the cast don't have as much to do but do well enough by their roles, particularly Catherine O'Hara and John Heard as the parents who only discover on the plane that Kevin is missing. The laughs are steady, the color photography is great and the slight story is probably every boy's fantasy of what it might be like to be left home alone. Add to that the holiday flavor of Christmas and a pleasant musical score by John Williams and you have the makings of a classic. The proof is in the pudding--they must have done something right!!


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