
初二英语作文80词左右describe one of your pleasant trip

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一花一叶一世界的话题作文]一花一叶一世界 当春风催开了桃蕾飘向柳梢时,燕子衔来了春的消息。 当金樱子疯狂地燃烧着芬芳时,雷雨浇注出夏的热烈。 当枯叶翩跹在清冷的微风中时,谷物沉淀出秋的成熟。 当寒...+阅读

Last summer holidays ,i went to Beijing . Beijing is the capital of China .There are many tall buildings in Beijing .It"s a modern city .My family visited the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace ,the Palace Museum ,the Beihai Park ,the Space Museum ,etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing .It was very interesting .I went shopping in WangFuJing . I bought lots of souvenirs and other things .I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious .Don"t miss the Beijing Duck .It is really nice! 打字不容易,望采纳!


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