[急求话说跳绳作文要说明文 2天以内好的加财富值!]今天,风和日丽,万里无云。南闸镇要在紫金广场举行一场跳绳比赛。听说妈妈的单位也要参加,我就缠着妈妈带我一起去。 下午1:00,我和妈妈单位的阿姨们一起来到比赛地点:紫金广场。...+阅读
A specific problem AAA, suggest possible solutions (A,B,...)or recommendations (A,B,...). Give reasons for your answer.
1、Nowadays AAA has become a serious problem in many countries. The reasons for this behavior are not clear , but some sociologists claim that (1) 社会学家认为导致问题的原因。As a matter of fact, (2) 进一步阐述此问题的原因。Consequently, (3) 该原因产生的结果。In my point of view, a possible cause of the problem is that (4) 我认为导致问题的原因之一。Also, (5) 我人们导致问题的原因之二。The effects of this are well known, (6)AAA 造成的影响之一。Furthermore, (7)AAA 造成的影响结果之二。The cost to society is great.(8) 社会上付出的代价。To conclude, I recommend that the only sensible way to solve this problem is (9) 总结并提出建议。
2、People how are well aware of the problems AAA creates: (1)AAA 带来的问题。 The solution, I think, is for government to (2) 政府所要解决的问题。 One way is that (3) 措施之一。There is also another way (4) 措施之二。 Moreover, (5) 措施之三。Indeed, we should make great efforts to solve this problem(6) 总结自己的观点。 3、In most countries AAA is causing a considerable number of problems. In some countries it is difficult to (1) 阐述 AAA 带来的第一个问题。In addition, (2)AAA 带来的第二个问题。Also,(3)AAA 带来的第三个问题。In my opinion, there are two main solutions to the discussed question. Firstly, (4) 第一个解决方案。Secondly, (5) 第二个解决方案。This is beginning to habe an effect in some countries. I believe that other countries will also tade this way to solve the problem in the near future. To sum up, if the problem continues, the effects will be great. So we should (6) 总结观点。
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