

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[父爱的味道600字作文]父爱如山青岛经济技术开发区香江路第二小学 六年级四班 曹薇 如果说:母爱如水,那么,父爱是山。如果说:母爱是涓涓小溪,那么,父爱就是滚滚流云。是啊,父亲的爱,就像大山一样,高大而坚...+阅读

Singing her most mortals, but it can angel for those in the digestion of the most flashy light, it becomes pure

Her best songs of angels, but also erase the most mortal dust and mud when you are masked, so that she became precious

Mortal or not, angels can also be

Perhaps this could have been Yi

"The most Angels" is destined to unusual

Zeng Yi, and others can have a different temperament, stiff, pure, chaotic hair, a little lazy, occasionally exposing a child-like shallow smile. In other athletes wearing gorgeous costumes, with bright ornaments, in the gorgeous lighting Biao, the voice, Pinzhuo skills, sing loud music, jumping dance, she is just one person sat quietly on stage, fade all the pomp, in some dim lighting, he is holding his beloved guitar, with the most pure sound quietly singing their own songs written. Is such a special girl, are distributed without any carving beautiful light of the diamonds in the rough, and even make you feel that she is out of tune with the secular. This stage the need for such a unique style of their own players, rather than the profound perfection of the singing ... ...

Courage and singing for their own

Controversy and gossip in the face of suffering, she is still Chixinbugai to interpret the dream of belonging to their own music

Refueling, yico!

Stick to their musical dreams,

Lovely multi-always support you!

Always behind you for your fuel!

Never, never ... ...

Yi-Yi can be. Non-Yi can not be!



跳绳600个的酸甜苦辣400字作文学书法的酸甜苦辣 我的课余生活丰富多彩,打乒乓球、下象棋、弹古筝、画画、学书法……,每一样我都非常喜欢。其中,我最喜欢的是书法。这学书法的滋味,可是酸甜苦辣全都有。 酸。...

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五年级作文记一次跳绳比赛 400字今天烈日当空,火辣辣的太阳照射着大地,也是我们学校一年一度的亲子运动会,大家都很高兴,因为能和自己的爸爸妈妈一起努力来为各自的集体争光。 到了我们要去的运动会体育中心,同...

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急求话说跳绳作文要说明文 2天以内好的加财富值!今天,风和日丽,万里无云。南闸镇要在紫金广场举行一场跳绳比赛。听说妈妈的单位也要参加,我就缠着妈妈带我一起去。 下午1:00,我和妈妈单位的阿姨们一起来到比赛地点:紫金广场。...

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