

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[来首简单有名的有翻译的英语诗]权势来对世界说道:“你是我的。” 世界源便把权势囚禁在她的宝座下面。 爱情2113对世界说道:“我是你的。”5261 世界便给予爱情以在它屋4102内来往的自由。 1653 Power said...+阅读

1.I'd like to book a double room for Tuesday next week. 下周二我想订一个双人房间。 2.What's the price difference? 两种房间的价格有什么不同? 3.A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night. 一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。 4.I think I'll take the one with a front view then. 我想我还是要阳面的吧。 5.How long will you be staying? 您打算住多久? 6.We'll be leaving Sunday morning. 我们将在星期天上午离开。 7.And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday. 我们盼望下周二见到您。 8.I'd like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of October 4 to the morning of October 10. 我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。 9.We do have a single room available for those dates. 我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。 10. What is the rate, please? 请问房费多少? 11.The current rate is$ 50 per night. 现行房费是50美元一天。 12. What services come with that? 这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢? 13.That sounds not bad at all. I'll take it. 听起来还不错。这个房间我要了。 14. By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible. 顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间。


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