

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文的结构如何写]一、细审题 “一夫当关,万夫莫开”。在作文考试中,第一关就是作文的审题。尽管话题作文降低了审题的难度,但不等于不要审题,并不意味着写作时可以天马行空。话题往往是由材料引...+阅读

Both the arts and protecting the environment are important causes, and both are often underfunded. They depend on government grants and private donations in order to continue. If a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. However, I believe that the company should put the money toward protecting the environment for the following reasons. First, the state of the environment affects everyone, and it affects people in a very important way. If mankind destroys the environment, we will not be able to survive. The arts are important to our quality of life, but the environment is important both to the quality of life and to life itself. Second, because industry causes much of the damage to the environment, I believe that companies have some responsibility to support conservation and cleanup efforts. Finally, protecting the environment is a bigger problem, and so requires a higher level of funding than the arts. A company's donation to the arts may be more visible, but one to the protection of the environment would be more meaningful. In conclusion, while both the arts and environmental protection are worthy causes, I believe the company should make its donation to an environmental cause. The environment affects everyone in important ways and protecting it is a big job


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