
求一篇英文的求职申请书 150到200字左右急求

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇中专生求职信]尊敬的人事部经理: 您好!很高兴地在网上得知你们的招聘广告,我写此信应聘贵公司业务人员。 我是xx学院商务英语的毕业生,即将到社会找一份工作,并随时可以到岗。在校期间学到了许...+阅读

Respect leadership:

Hello! I'm from new graduates in the Internet that companies need to recruit XX, we apply.

I am a XX class XX XX XX School of fresh graduates, studies the application of XXprofessional, since XXXX years X months into the school, I studied professional courses in X.Excellent grades, motivated. I cherish every school arrangement of experimental operationopportunity, continuously strengthen the requirements of their skills on the basis of theory.Character cheerful and lively, positive thoughts make my life rich and colorful, I actively participated in various community activities, serious investment in exchange for a lot of harvest, the full exercise of my training oral communication ability, management ability and thinking ability to analyze and solve problems.

In addition, I also actively participated in various social activities, to seize every opportunity toexercise their own. I deeply felt, and excellent students work together, make me benefit in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration. Grandparents taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; XX trained me to seek truth from facts, pioneering and enterprising style. I love the business of your company, sincerely look forward to your leadership, do what little one can to help for this glorious cause; and in practice, continuous learning progress. By understanding, strict management system of the company, the business efficiency of the objective to improve my work for more love andenthusiasm, sincerely hope that I can develop into a bigger company as a strength, sincerely look forward to meeting with you, you can through the following way inform me of the time of the interview with.....

Collect pen, solemnly to a small request: regardless of whether you choose me, respect of leadership, I hope you can accept my sincere gratitude!

Wishes the expensive unit enterprise be on the upgrade!


求一篇关于求职的英语作文ABC天卞英语是不错.好.的 时间安排由我们自己定,在家上课随时可以跟外教学口语,而且这个学习起来很方便 不用你跑来跑去学习,可以通过一些新颖的学习模式来增加自己对英语学习...

求一篇求职信的英语作文Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name i...

求一篇英文求职信不少于50字呵呵我们学校让我们自己写几百个子英文的应聘信随便给你写一点吧。 dear MR/MRS(名字或公司,一般来讲公司) i read the advertisement about your company(或者招聘的i read you...

求一篇汽车求职信尊敬的领导: 您好! 一名具有扎实专业知识,具有团队协作精神,具有坚强意志和充满自信的机械学子——XXX 扎实的专业知识是成功的根本。我深知这一点,充分利用大学四年时间,认真学习...

求一篇会计的求职信敬爱的领导: 您好! 我是XX大学XX校区的一名应届毕业生,专业是财务会计,我希望能到您单位做会计及其相关的工作。 大学四年,我既注重基础课的学习,又重视对能力的培养。在校期间,我...

求一篇英语求职信范文Dear Sir: Know from newspaper your news agency job TCL communication equipment engineer, I very would like to accept appointment and strive for this post.I,m ov...

求一篇求职信范文尊敬的领导: 您好! 非常感谢您能够呈阅我的求职信。我是xx大学xx届护理本科毕业生。我有扎实的医学基础知识,熟练的操作技术及出色的工作能力,我有信心胜任即将从事的工作。在此...


求一篇1000字勒求职信我是做人事工作的,个人建议:求职信这种东西,千万别写太多内容。将主要信息列出就好了。以下是一个范例和注意事项,希望能够起到作用。 1、 求职信的书写格式 (1)称呼 写明收信人的...
