
求题目为 Studying Abroad的作文

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[换位思考二百字作文]换位思考 从不同的角度看同一个事物,往往会有不同的发现与认识。一次我和好朋友在一件小事上发生了冲突,可到后来,我们还是和好如初,这是怎么回事呢?就让我来给大家揭晓答案吧—...+阅读

Studying Abroad

A large amount of money has been saved by parents for their children to study abroad.It must be used to pay for the international flight,food,shelter,entertainment,long-distance telephone calls and clothing.Even the children may take some more money to pay for unexperted expenses.

Some children with financial problems have to fine part-time jobs. It is very difficult to work their way through school. Many students studying abroad have to get up at 6 a.m. for a long journey to school.They finish classes at 2p.m. and then they start work at three and get off at night.

As a result, money is the firet problem the foreign students must cope with when they study abroad.



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