Marine engineering technology professional student mainly studies the ship repair and manufacturing technical aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, accept the modern Marine repair and manufacturing, the basic skill training with ship repair and manufacturing research, design, development, equipment integrated operation management and production organization with the basic skills. This program is to cultivate morality, intelligence and physique, us all-round development, grasps the ship repair and manufacturing the basic theory, knowledge and application ability, with high foreign language level and computer application ability, can ship repair and manufacture in field of design, manufacture, development, application research and equipment integrated operation management, and can adapt to the electromechanical integration development multifunctional composite advanced engineering and technical personnel. Students after graduation, qualified for the various enterprises, shipping (abs, shipbuilding, repairing and other units engaged in technical management work.Students ability structure1, has a solid ship repair and manufacturing discipline theoretical basis and system of professional knowledge, can be a good command of a foreign language, the foreign language level of provincial level or above measure 3 stockings.2, can systematically master this professional field technical theory and basic knowledge, include mechanical drawing, electrical and electronic technology, computer application foundation.3, systematically master professional knowledge and technology, mainly including hull drawings, engineering materials and processing technology, ship principle, hull repaired process, Marine power plant, ship equipment and systems.4, bore ship repair and modern manufacturing technology research direction and development trend. Have certain computer application ability.5, has the strong ability of self-study, innovative consciousness and comprehensive qualities.
自我介绍的演讲稿500字。语言清晰自我介绍稿 大家好! 我的名字叫刘xx,来自谢谢市第七中学。如果大家不介意的话,可以叫我YY。我是个执着的哈迷。我的性格也如同我的名字一样,象一只小燕子爱在蔚蓝的天空中自由自...
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