

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[秋游作文 5篇]这次秋游是我经历中最有趣的一天了,这里有软绵绵的、温暖的沙,有绿茵茵的草坪、高大的椰子树…… 早晨,我高高兴兴地坐着爸爸的自行车来到学校,心里别提有多激动了,我猜测着沙滩...+阅读

Clouds floating in the sky, the morning sun as it stained the moon in the night sky, with its companion stars, flowers, and have green leaves set off the ... ..., all things are, day after day to tell us a law; love everywhere. Parents arrive home, pour a cup of hot tea, greeting phrase "hard work"; on the road with children fell down, went over to help him up gently; students test blew it, do you sincerely to those living in the comfort ... ... every little trivial in time to tell us: love, everywhere. Blind road parking space to see the bike, you stop and put it away; see classroom dirty and disorderly, you pick up the broom to clean; see people uncomfortable, you walk past ... ... so tired after the fuss of a sweet aftertaste also tells us: Love is everywhere. Blind with love, feel a world of light; a father and son have each other's love, filled gully formation over the years; a wanderer with love, weary trek back to his mother's arms ... ... the book on these stories tell us; love, everywhere. People can not do without love, written with a flick of a "human" character, we can only support up a "charge," "flick" the love from everywhere supported. When you are vexed question of preventing the terrible fix, many people know or do not know around your side to help you ideas, solutions; when you're kind of preoccupied preparing for reasons when friends come to you encourage you, comfort you; when you are sick, parents, students give you a cup of water or a drug ... ... All these things you come to understand; love, everywhere. Human life only once, and Love make it more exciting and meaningful. With the love between strangers can be as close as brothers and sisters. Society is a house wall, and Love is the house of furniture. Love between people closer together to make things cold and warm up. Human world, marshes, unpredictable, no matter how high the mountain is also the time of failure; then wide then deep sea has dried up time; another strong creatures have become extinct when the ... ... only love is everywhere, detached from these things over, never will disappear.


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