

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文一节有趣的课]Today, we had a festival very interesting English lesson. The school bell rang, Chen, with all kinds of food and beverage into the classroom see teacher Chen an...+阅读


The market economy has brought China both benefits and headaches, one of which is the problem of _____主题__________. There is no denying that serious social problems will arise unless this problem is properly solved. As a result, it is essential for us to explore ways to cope with it.

The negative aspects caused by this phenomenon can be briefly illustrated as follows. 缺点一,二,三.(First of all, besides, at last)

As a matter of fact, there are many ways that can contribute to solving this serious problem, but I think the following ones may be most effective. Every one should make a special effort to avoid the bad effect. The government ought to spare no efforts to set up some policies and laws to achieve the goal. Although it can not be eliminated in a short period of time, there is no doubt that attention must be paid and it is clear that task demands great efforts. As long as we combine our efforts together, there is greater possibilities that we can manage to solve the problems.

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