
英语作文题目有趣的一节课 120词左右

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[这届高考各地作文题目详细!谢谢]2010年普通高等学校招生考试全国卷1作文题 2010年普通高等学校招生考试全国卷2作文题 2010年浙江高考作文题:角色转换之间 2010年山东高考作文题:人生的光影变化 2010年宁夏高...+阅读

Yesterdayt in the class,Miss Li announced to play a game. Miss Li drew a face without nose on the blackboard and let us the fill the nose. She asked," Who do you want to be the first? " We all put our hands up. Finally Miss Li chose Li Xin to start. Li Xin was blindfolded and stood in front of the blackboard. She began to draw the nose after thinking for a while. We all laughed and laughed after she finished drawing because she drew the nose on the forehead.


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