

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[做一个打开作文魔术匣子的人——听一堂作文评改课有感]常说 语文难教,作文更难教,作文讲评课难上加难 。而这次参加语文16课时培训,有幸聆听了嘉兴市名师胡丽平老师的《开启魔术匣子的人》 六年级下册语文综合性学习习作评改设计一...+阅读

I am a sophomore now.In my memeries,my college English courses were not pretty good.I don't think the way we tought was suited for me.So ,my English level was far from perfect and even lower than the standards I had during my high shcool.

There were many factors caused this situation.In one hand, my teacher didn' t explain much details about the language points of the lessons self.Instead, they tended to say more about the information of the context and the background.On the other hand ,as our college english class were very large ,there were no chances for everybody being noticed by the teacher.So, we must acquire a knowledge of language relay on self-study.

In fact, we learned the courses by myself more than from the class. But it's not equal to say that class teaching was no use for us. Only to combaine the class teaching and the self teaching we can study well in English learning。


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