
electronic mail为题的英语作文100字左右

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以朋友与我同行为题目写一篇作文题目自拟诗歌除外]黑夜无论怎样漫长,白昼总会到来。 ——莎士比亚 岁月如同大朵的浮云,从我的无知岁月里悠悠而过,匆忙地替我打理好行装,我走进了青春驿站。一路上,我与悲伤擦肩而过,与快乐共同高歌...+阅读

Electronic mail, or e-mail (and mail) for short, is one of the most popular uses of the Internet. Once you have an e-mail account you can send an electronic message (sort of like a letter) to just about anyone else with an e-mail account so long as you know their e-mail address.

If you have an internet service provider (ISP) or commercial online service you probably already have and know your e-mail address (If you don't know it, you can always badger technical support!) Most e-mail addresses are set up like this: it is your username, then an ('at') symbol, and then a domain name (something .com, .net, or .org in most cases).


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