

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求英语高中作文十篇五篇记叙文最好精简便于借鉴五篇书信]I'm writing this letter to express my sincerely appologies to you for losing the book you lent to me. I'm very appreciated you lent it to me. In order to give i...+阅读

How to improve your Englishh

Today is new year,old year went by.In this new year,we should make much progress on English side.how to improve your English skill?and what should I do?

First,you should set aside a few minutes to do English exercise,sometimes,you can try to translate some English sentence into chinese.In general,you must resite more English words and the best sentence,but you have to how to use it,"how to use it?"says somebody,"It is important for you tounderstand it,then you can use this sentence and this words"says I.Making an affort to practise them,you will successed in passing on the English examnation.

Then,you should read book every moring,you have to be familar with the contect of book,when you read book,your should look over this important sentence that your teacher want you to recite,oh you have to write words from time to time,"It is one thing to write,another to read"says I.

Finally,It is difficult to read English newspaper.On the one hand,you can draw attiong to cuurrent affears in different county,on the other hand,reading Enlish newspaper is the best way to improve your read skills.The more practise,the more mark you can get.

Where there is a will, there is way.If you studied hard on English side,you would go aborad to further education.


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