

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2016考研英语一小作文是通知还是书信]2016考研英语一小作文真题 Suppose you are a libraian in your university. write a notice of about 100 words, providing the new-enrolled international students wit...+阅读

How to improve your English

To me, English is not just a subject, it is art, it is a language, it is a way of communication. I think the best way to learn any language is to enjoy the language. Just determination will only get you past 'exams', not everyday conversation. I have never liked English in school, but when I moved to the UK, I started to enjoy it. Not just because I have to learn English, but because I came to appreciate it. In my opinion, it is a beautiful language.

Many parents force their kids to learn English, because it is compulsory, it is 'required' or 'you need to pass the exam'. Not often do parents put themselves in their kids' shoes. To kids, it is a bother, it is something they think as a 'necesity to please my parents'. I think what parents should do is to encourage kids to like this language. Praise them, becuase learning any language is difficult.

To improve a kid's English skills, many parents go to the lengths of spending hundreds, and trouble themselves with cram school. That, I think, is not the right way. To improve reading, you could read simple English books that are interesting, many parents do do this, but they choose the books that are of 'educational value'. They are kids, they only live their childhood once, don't pile work on that. For writing, let them write diaries in English. To start off with, allow them to mix Chinese and English, praise them often. Picking on their mistakes as if they are stupid discourages them too much. I wrote diaries with only one word of English to start off with when I lived in the UK, but now I can write essays like this off the top of my head. For speaking, find people on websites that like to learn Chinese, and you can learn English from them. As for writing, write essays anytime and post them on Internet to allow others correct.

这样可以吗? 不知道多少字,自己数吧。


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