

06月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高考英语作文范文!急!]08四川 What can I do for our environment? Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example,...+阅读

1:there are many things one should figure out on ones own including knowing oneslf.It is especially important for an individual .It is a basic issue of individual awareness since everybody is unique.then you can answer the question "who are you ".Aslo,only after you know youself such as your strengths ,your shortcomings ,can you strive keep your advantages , correct bad habits and avoid mistakes as possible . you can see knowing oneself can promote one's suceess in work ,study or everyday life. Parents are the first teachers When Thanksgiving day is coming ,I know there are too many people I should give my gratitude during my life such as my friends ,my teachers ,my brothers and sisters ,even my eneyms,but I would like to say it is my dad and my mum I should but I can never express enough of my gratitude to them. They give life to me and become my first teachers .they teach me how to walk ,how to speak , how to behavior .they are always the most involved with my education and development . 楼主,但愿上面几篇能够帮到你! 2: If i have a chance to create a festivel, I'd like to say it is walking day Since walking can bring us so many benifits . First of all, walking is widely recognized as a perfect way to relax and keep healthy.people nowadays are so engaged with their work and study .By walking, they can to a large extent get away from worries and stress from work and study also walking can promote their blood circulation and fat combustion. Besides, it can reduce traffic jam and relive energy shortage pressure if people are encouraged to walk in the walking festival for the reason that there will be less cars in the road and less enery be consumed and less waste gas pollution. therefore, I would choose to creat this holiday to celebrate. Parents are the first teachers :


I think teachers shouldn't leave a lot of homework for the students .In china,the students also have so many classes in school,as we know,always taking classes is a boring thing. we should relax ourselves . so i think we should study at school ,and when we get home ,we can do something practical and something we interested in. but my idea that teachers shouldn't leave a lot of homework not means no homework. we should have some homework,and do it serious.我认为老师不应当给学生布置太多作业,在中国,学生有太多的课程,正如我们所知,一直上课是一件很无聊的事情。所以我们需要放松自己,在学校的时候学习,回家就做一些实用的和我们感兴趣的事情,但是不要有太多家庭作业并不是没有作业。应当有一定的作业,而且需要我们认真完成。



I like traving a lot.

Travelling is good for everybody's health

When I travel outside, I walk a lot,so that I will take lots of exercises.I can also see many beautiful scenes in the places you travel. That is good for my eyes. Moreover, travelling can broaden my views and provide me many knowledges that I can't get in the textbooks in class. So travelling is useful and important for both body health and mind health. 应该够一分钟吧。我自己读了一下,还行。如果不够再给你写!








When some obstacles are too hard to solve,perple will do it beyond their limitation,it can say men's instict.

We work hard,only want to give the success a chance, as a proverb goes, efforts might mean success, but success is surely from efforts.

Everyone want to protect their family and work,so most perple will finish the obstacles they meet by their instict.


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