

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中考英语作文告别母校急]Oh, I feel so sorry that I will leave school in sevral days. The school has given me a lot and I got a lot from it. Although my grades were not good enough, I s...+阅读

习作原文 根据提示和要求完成短文. 提示: 你是Percy,今天拿到了成绩单.当你看到年中英语成绩是,感到很紧张. 成绩很令人失望.但是你想学好,可是不知该怎么办.你现在的困惑:现在的课本Go For It太难了,有那么多的单词和短语要记;有时你会说,但是到写时有却忘记了;说,听的方面好些,但是读的方面较差;有时做家庭作业是抄别人的;为此你请教你的英语老师Martin帮助你,请他向你提一些建议来提高英语成绩. Dear Martin, This is Percy. Today I got my report. I was very nerous. My report card was disappointing this time. But I want to study English well. I don't know what to do. I think this English book go for it is very difficult. There are many worlds to remember. Sometime, I can speak English , but when I wrote worlds, I forgot this worlds. My reading is very bad. And my listening and speaking are better than my reading. Sometimes, I copy anyone's hpmework. My English achivement is really very bad. So, please give me some advices. Thank you very much. Please write to me soon. I am looking forward to it. Yours Percy 批 改 老 师 Autumn 评 分 88分级 别优秀批 改 1.nerous书写错误,改为nervous. 2.My report card表达没有错误,但是英语中忌讳重复使用一个词,可以用it代替。

3.go for it,是一本书的名字,应该用引号引上。 4.worlds不是单词的意思,应该改写为words. 5.Sometime意思是某时,而不是有时,应该改为sometimes. 6.bad 可以修饰reading,换成weak就更生动。 7.my reading可以用it代替。 8.anyone's hpmework应该改写为someone's homework. 9.advice是不可数名词,所以advice的单数和复数一样。 从这篇作文看出该同学没有觉察到自己在单词书写上出现的错误,他写错的单词都很简单,元音可能是高度紧张,使自己的记忆中产生了似是而非的印象,这一点大家在也经常出现,希望大家能引以为戒,在写完作文后,在时间允许的情况下,将自己的作品重新认真的读一读,尽可能的减少不应该出现的错误. 作文是黑体部分啊


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