

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com


I am glad to take part in the activity called Doing Our Part held by our school English Newsletter.Since we grow older, We have been realized that we are not the children we used to be. Our parents did much to us and they will continue to give all their love because they love us. Although this is true , but one vital point that we could not depend on our parents the whole life is being left out. We should do what we can do in this period.Such examples mightbe given easily. We can help our parents with housework or we can do our room clean ourselves.By doing this small but love-hide-behind work, our parents could be more relaxed.Depite of the housework, communicating with our parents is also an important part.No one can deny the fact that only if in this way could we plant the intimate seed between us and our parents.Our work can not only do our part but also is good of the whole world if only we don't throw the rubbish anywhere.This is what we must do to protect our world.To sum up, there are many things we can do to do our part and we could grow as a real man by taking our responsibility.



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