

06月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[寒假日记十篇200字小学生4年级]1)购物热潮 快过年了,大家走街串巷,忙着办年货。 街上货物琳琅满目,购物者是多之又多,你看,一些女士们正在商店选购“新年礼服”呢,周围围着一群可爱的“小天使”,笑嘻嘻地吵着闹着...+阅读

1 百灵鸟百灵鸟的叫声真美啊,美得让你感觉不到你还在呼吸;百灵鸟的叫声真翠啊,翠的让你感觉不到其它的声音;百灵鸟的声音真甜啊,甜的让你即使嘴里喊一颗糖都是苦涩的。 1larkLark sounds true beauty, beauty make you feel less than you still breathing; Lark sounds really green ah, cui's make you feel less than other voice; The voice of the lark really sweet ah, sweet make you even mouth shouted a sugar is bitter. 2 苹果我喜欢苹果和橙子。苹果是红色的。橙子是橙色的。他们都很可爱,好。他们也品尝甜蜜的,他们是很好的为我的健康。所以,我很健康。有一天,我的妈妈买了一些苹果回家。我很快洗一个,把它吃了。看到我的幸福的微笑,我的妈妈说:“可爱的苹果,可爱的女孩(男孩)。“我也喜欢把它们分享给我最好的朋友。

我希望每个人都可以喜欢苹果。 2appleI like apples and oranges.Apples are red.Oranges are orange.They all look lovely and nice.They also taste sweet and they are good for my healeh.So,I'm healthy.One day,my mum bought some apples home.I quickly washed one and ate it.Seeing my happy smile,my mother said :"Lovely apple,cute girl(boy)."I also like share them with my best friends.I hope everyone can be healhy and like apples. 3My FamilyThere are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin.He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is very clever. I am a student, too.I study hard. I like to play football and listen to music very much. I love my family a lot.。 3我的家庭我家里有四口人。他们是我爸爸、我妈妈、我姐姐和我。

我父亲是长得又高又瘦。他喜欢看电视和看电影,看书。我的母亲在办公室工作。她烧菜烧得很好。她又矮又瘦。我的妹妹是个学生。她很聪明。我也是学生。我努力学习。我很喜欢踢足球,听音乐。我非常爱我的家庭。 4My teacher in chargeOur class teacher in charge that LinMei, her dress, simple but neat, a pair of intense big eyes of god. She is a kind and strict teacher.School fast two years, Lin the teacher taught me how to read, taught me to write, and taught me to play own special skill, and from the heart I thank her! 4我的班主任我们班的班主任叫林梅,她衣着朴素而整洁,一双大眼睛炯炯有神。她是个和善又严厉的老师。上学快两年了,林老师教我认字,教我写字,教我发挥自己的特长,我从心里感谢她! 5The evening, my mother, brother and go for a walk.You raised a piece of sunset glow. Sunset glow is very beautiful, give a continuous rolling xishan put on a dress.The color of the sunset change multiterminal, for a while to become red, in a short while turn yellow, like peach opened flowers, "the general and inviting fruit.Its shape is also very special. Some like limpid creek, some like make threatening gestures dragon, some people like the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat racing, there are like a beautiful princess in the horizon for a walk, how elegant! 5傍晚,我、弟弟和妈妈一起去散步。

天边升起了一片晚霞。晚霞非常美丽,给连绵起伏的西山穿上了一件礼服。 晚霞的颜色变化多端,一会儿变红,一会儿变黄,宛如桃树开了花、结了果子一般诱人。它的形状也很特别。有的像清澈的小河,有的像张牙舞爪的龙,有的像端午节人们赛龙舟,还有的像一位美丽的公主在天边散步,多么优雅呀! 6snailA few days ago, I was at school to catch a few snail. I put them in a box. They all have a pair of thin small eyes, head length with two root antenna. You use a hand touch antenna, it will be very sensitive to retract to. The snail body squishy, carry a hard shell, the shell is snail's home. The little snail favorite leaves and vegetables, I give them to put some pieces of leaves, less than a moment they palace. 6蜗牛前几天,我在学校捉了几只蜗牛。我把它们放在盒子里养。

它们都有一双细细的小眼睛,头上长着两根触角。你用手一碰触角,它就会很灵敏地缩回去。蜗牛身体粘糊糊的,身上背着一个硬硬的壳,这个壳是蜗牛的家。小蜗牛最爱吃树叶和蔬菜了,我给它们放了几片菜叶,不到一会儿它们就一大半了。 好了,六篇就够了,望一定采纳。O(∩_∩)O谢谢


Monday, August 2nd, Sunny

It was sunny and hot today. I got up early at half past six. I read English and then had breakfast. I helped my mother washed the dishes. Then I did my homework and cleaned my room. I went shopping with my mother in the afternoon. Then I played table tennis with my friends. In the evening I watched TV and read a book. I really had a busy and interesting day. 今天天气晴朗,热。 我在6:30很早就起了床。我读英语然后吃早饭。我帮助母亲洗碗。然后做作业打扫房间。下午我和母亲去买东西。然后和朋友们打乒乓球。晚上我看电视、看书。我今天的确很忙、过得很有趣。


Thursday,March 12th Sunny

It was Tree Planting Day.It's very hot.We're started for hill.

At nine o'clock,we began to plant trees.First we dug holes.Then

we put the young trees into the holes.We filled the holes with

earth.At last,we watered the young trees.We were tired.But we

were very happy.We hope the trees will grow well again.


It's a clear day. I got up early and did some morning exercises with my dear parents in the nearby park. After breakfast, mom gave me some money and asked me to buy some fruit to see my dear grandmother. I brought some apples and banana in the supermarket. I walked to grandmother's house. Grandmother was very excite to see me. I gave her a surprise. We talked and laughed all the way. I cooked lunch for her. We had lunch together. Grandmother lived in a big house alone. I knew she was lonely, so I decided to see her more and care her more. There are uncountable old people living alone. They need care and love very much. I think we should give more love to the old. 今天的天气风和日历,我起的很早,并且和我最爱的家人在附近一起做了晨练。早餐之后,妈妈让我拿些钱去买水果然后去看望我的外婆。外婆看到我的时候很开心,因为我给了她一个惊喜。

我们一路上心情都很好。我为她做了午饭并且一起吃。外婆自己住,所以很孤单,我句顶以后多来看她,多多的照顾她。 有很多老人都是一个人生活,他们需要更多的关爱,我想我应该给他们更多的爱。




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