

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于切洋葱的作文]切洋葱 假期里,三姨出去工作了,姨姐在家准备英语四级的面试,我闲着没事,在屋子里乱转,不知不觉地来到厨房,东瞧瞧,西看看。平时,三姨不让我进,说我添乱,会帮倒忙。今天我想帮一次正忙,...+阅读

Hello ,everyone!Let me tell your how to cook the noodles.First cut up some onions, tomatoes and green vegetables.Then pour plenty of water into the pot .When the water is boiling,add noodles into the water.After the water is boiling again, put a little oil, salt, soy sauce, and other spices and vegetables.A few minutes later, you can eat the noodles.How delicious they are!


就帮你写面条的吧。Chicken NoodlesEverybody knows how to cook chicken noodles in China. Now, let me show you the ways. First, check you have all the ingredients. You need chicken, some noodles, vegetables and salt. In addition,you need a pan to cook.Next, turn on the gars(煤气炉)and put the chicken, noodles and vegetables into the pan. Then, pour the salt into the pan and you have to wait for five minutes. Finally, you can get a bowl of delicious chicken noodles and eat it.


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